Colt, Bless their black hearts


New member
Ever buy and try to carry a gun that has been discontinued? My daily carry is a Colt Pocket Nine. It shoots real fine, I've got about 5000 rds through it. Well, I'm trying to find a replacement recoil spring assembly (captive/2 spring). Well I asked everybody I could find that carries Colt parts, with more chuckles (from the vendors) then I could stand. Gary Thiry asked me twice what gun's model was then laughed saying he has never seen parts for it. Scott Macdougle who used to advertise a complete make over for this gun says "I DO NOT CARRY PARTS FOR COLTS" end of subject. I called wolff springs to see if they would make a custom one for me. Their reply was something like "when donkey's fly"! Well I finally called Colt (they do not sell directly to the public or FFL). The customer service guy was astounded someone still shoots this model and "NO WE DON"T HAVE NO PARTS". I guess I'll have to advertize for one that is being pieced out. It took me a year to find extra mags. As far as I'm concerned, it was the only decent gun they ever built. I hope our military has more smarts then I give them credit for, and not buy their junk. My 1911s are kimber and springfield, and my AR15 is bushmaster. I now rank colt right along side short&wimpy. Maybe colt is really owned by a malaysian company
You have Kahr to thank for Colt dropping the Pocket Nine and Pony. Kahr sued the guns out of existance for patent infringement.
Well was it because Colt stole the design? If so, doesn't that mean that Kahr has a gun just like it? If so, would the part from that gun work in place of the original?
Why blame Kahr?

Colt illegally infringed on Kahr's patents. Why blame Kahr for defending their intellectual property? As an example of how Colt should have behaved, note that several companies licensed the dual recoil spring design from Seecamp. See, being legal isn't really all that difficult.
Seecamp?? Gee, I had a captive dual recoil spring in 1973, from Detonics. I wonder if Seecamp paid anyone for this design?
Although McDougal and Associates don't carry parts, you may want to try Gary Thiry for parts. Don't believe McDougal and Associates disclaimer that Mr. Thiry is not customer service oriented simply because he is too busy. I have spoken to Mr. Thiry on parts for discontinued Colts and he has been quite helpful.
Of course it is on your dime.

916-451-6536 is the phone number.

Also, check out Brownells for these parts. Go to and get the phone number and give them a call. You probably won't get a part number off their website, but you can give it a try.

Another alternative is gun parts corporation. That is a last resort since their parts are used and springs arent exactly what you want to buy used.

I know you love your firearm, but my personal experience with the PocketNine left a lot to be desired. I congratulate you on ownership of a reliable model of this firearm.

Good luck!!!!
Gary Thiry.

Very friendly and helpful in my experience. He has found parts for my discontinued Colt Government .380.

Regards, good luck, be safe.
Sorry to hear of your trouble wolfz.

I'd have the Attorney General's Office in Colt's home state sue colt for breach of warranty and file a consumer complaint against Colt. Just because they discontinue does not mean they shouldn't have an inventory of spare parts for the next (5) years which I would think would be standard industry practice. But then again, I think Colt is an unethical company and they never had good customer service.

Otherwise, send your gun to the President of Colt with a letter complaining about the lack of parts when they actively marketed the gun and maybe he'll fix and send you plenty of spare parts. I'd CC: Attorney General's Office, shooter's TV program, tales of the Gun folks, and the like.

Otherwise, ditch it and get a Glock 26/27. Glock has an unofficial lifetime warranty. I'm getting a brand new barrel for my Glock 20 in 10mm. I bought it used a couple months ago. Glock is replacing the barrel because it had not been upgraded with more support in 1995. A free barrel. And I've gotten tons of great service from them.

i now only buy good guns from companies with well repsected customer service depts like Glock, Sig, HK, Kel Tec, Bushmaster, and the like.