Colt AR15/Scopes ?


Can somewone help me .I am saerching for a scopes for my Colt AR15/flattop .I have seen on the web the AMTC/ATN 5X33L and the bsa scopes,are these scopes good for a AR15 or can you tell wich scopes do you recommand.
thank you in advance

Wim from Belgium

Check out the optics forum on Good banter on Trijicon ACOGs and ELCANs, both of which are vastly better (but more expensive) options than BSA.
Well, it's not fancy, but - - -

- - - I can't believe what good service I've gotten from an inexpensive (read: CHEAP) Chinese 4X scope. I was in Cheaper Than Dirt showroom in Fort Worth looking at binoculars while a guy was out to spend BIG money on scope for his new HBAR15. Looked at a frank knock off of the Colt 3X AR15 scope. Optics seemed poor. Clerk handed me another, in 4X, andn I couldn't believe how much better it was. It was $39.99 plus tax, so I thought, what's to lose? Took it home, mounted it and went to the range.

Again--hard to credit how well it worked. It's about two years old now and has been carried in a soft case in trunk of car for many miles. It still works fine every time I shoot it. My aging eyes can see well enough with it to shoot very nice groups with the 16" barrel gun, using careful handloads. It stays under 2" with S. African military ammo. Hey--This is not a varmint gun, but - - - -

Surely, not a sniper rig, but it would serve at modest ranges.

I really like it because it is compact, in keeping with the carbine-length AR.

Johnny Guest