Magnetic Particle Inspection. (Magnaflux is one version)
You dip the parts in a solution (wet or dry) of iron oxide (rust) & ultraviolet dye. You then put a magnetic field on it.
The field will be stronger at the imperfections/cracks in the material and will attract the particles. This will cause the them to show up under a blacklight.
Colt does this after firing a Hight Pressure Proof Load through the barrel to make sure there are no serious defects.
Almost all of the Colt parts in the gun will have also C stamped or marked on them somewhere. Some might have a stylized D, looks alot like a recycle symbol. Those are Diemaco parts (Colt Canda). I had a 6920 upper that was almost all Diemaco parts one time except the Bolt Carrier.