Colt and Schofield replicas...

Old Dude

I have shot a rental Beretta Stampede (Uberti) and liked the way it pointed one-handed. It seemed very natural and, at 7 yards, I put some very definite hurt on a silhouette target.

I have never shot, or even held, a Schofield replica. I saw one at a Cabelas and drooled on the display case, but didn't ask to hold it. How do they point one-handed? They look heavier, as if they wouldn't point as well, but that's only what I see. I would appreciate any opinions from those who have shot both Colt and Schofield replicas.

Thanks in advance for your time.
Ask to hold it next time. They point fine in my hands and didnt seem expecially heavy at all. The sights however are very different, and I didnt care for them. Really nice gun though, it was a Uberti that I saw. Go with the Stampede first though everyone should have one. Its one attractive, packable, accurate, powerfull sixgun that can handle any shooting chore in either caliber. Good luck!
Colt clones are better for pointing, cocking and sighting. The S&W clones are awkward pointing, difficult to sight in and hard to cock in my hands. The Uberti is the only S&W clone to consider. Replica Arms have been importing the better clones since their Navy Arms days. I prefer Colt clones and the best and toughest on the market currently is the Taurus Gaucho.
The S&W are geting a lot use on the cowboy Shooting circuit. The big draw back in the days of yore was blackpowder fouling. The Smiths would seize up way before the Colts.