Colt Anaconda or Ruger Redhawk?


New member
I'm new to revolvers. I'm choosing 44 mag since it meets most of my requirements.

I want to do some target work and perhaps some deer hunting in the fall.

I'm not big on scopes. I like iron sights.

Local dealer has an used Anaconda 8" barrel in like new condition for $625.

I'm seeing used Redhawks going for about $350. The Super Redhawks are a little more pricey.

I reload and seek to work up some ultra-accurate loads but I will be working up some hot loads during deer season.

I've been told that the Redhawks are the strongest made.

But the craftsmenship and SS finish on the Analconda are exceptional.

Which did you choose and why? Or is there another 44 mag revovler with a 7-8" barrel that I should be considering?
I have an 8" Anaconda and a 9 1/2" Super Red Hawk.

The Anaconda is my favorite of the two. It has a much nicer trigger, and I like the grips a little better than the ones on the SRH.

The Anaconda has an over-travel stop screw on the trigger. I had to put one on the Ruger to improve my acuracy with it. Was not easy, because the gunsmith did not want to do it. Ended up doing it myself. It was worth the trouble.

If I want to shoot HOT loads, I do it with the SRH. It's built to take the abuse.

If I was looking to buy A SRH now, I would get one with a 7" barrel. The longer barrel that I have makes the gun a two fisted proposition, where as I can shoot the Anaconda with one hand if I choose to. You may give up a little velocity with the shorter barrel, but it should still be fine for hunting, and a bit easier to carry in the field.

Tough choice. The Anaconda is a work of art. The SRH is built to last forever.
Another recommendation for the Dan Wesson .44 Mag. Will shoot with the best of them out of the box and built strong to handle hot loads. If you can find a DW Pistol Pack it will have barrels and shrouds from 4 to 10 inches. Changing barrels takes 5 to 10 minutes. Dan Wessons were the revolver of choice and took most of the top places in IHMSA matches when I was active in the sport.
The Anaconda is a wonderful revolver but you will pay a premium because it's a Colt and no longer manufactured.
Take Care
i had a 8 inch anaconda i paid 500 for several yrs ago.excellent trigger.however now the colts are a bit overpriced.i feel the ruger would certainly be a better value.BTW i traded my anaconda for a brand new bushmaster ar15 20 inch barrel with 500 rds of ammo and 12 30 rnd mags and 4 20 rnd mags.
Just before Colts announcement of dropping their DA revolver line, I purchased a like NIB 6" Anaconda in .44 mag for $399.00 and just after the announcement I saw another 6 incher in .45 Colt advertized for a whopping $980.00! That Anaconda was a very nice piece of workmanship! I'm saving up for a SRH now, but due to circumstances it'll have to wait til after 3-1-04 regardless.
colt prices are leveling off and acuarly droping.they made so many revolvers the market is flooded with em.and it wouldnt suprize me a bit if colt dont start making more hand guns and revolvers due to the frendlier political climate.
I called the factory at Colt and they stated they are doing a limited production run and makeing some Anaconda's at the end of this summer and they plan to sell them for about $1,200.
QC on anaconda's is poor based on the ones I have seen. It is my favorite 44 magnum design because it fits my hand the best of any of them. But I bought a 629 [pre sellout] because of the very poor QC with the Colt & the poor customer service reported to me by the gunshop [the shop stood behind products, they had taken the hit on at least 3 Anaconda's the their customers ordered new from colt that had problems straight from factory that Colt wouldn't cover.] I use.

I would consider $625.00 a good price for a pair of Anaconda's :D

Personally if I was going to get a long barreled 44 I would go with Ruger's Bisley. When my 4" 629 wears out I will probably get a 5.5" Redhawk...might have Bowen do his Alpine conversion on it [basically turns Redhawk into a "Mt. Gun" more or less]

I can't say enough about my Dan Wesson. Accurate. Strong. Versatile.

Get a S&W Model 29. Cut thru all the BS and you have yourself the finest 44 Magnum, bar none. Available with 4, 6 1/2 or 8 3/8" barrel.