Colt Anaconda - light strikes?

Dave P

New member
My new pistol is appearing to produce light fire pin strikes now. 4/20 rounds I made yesterday needed multiple strikes to fire them. Same load and components I have new using for the last couple of months. WLP primers, fyi.

Before shooting yesterday, I did slide off the pachmeyer? grip, and put a few drops of oil on all friction places that I could see.

I did not see where the grip touches any part of the trig mechanism.

The light strikes did result in a slightly shallow dent on the primers.

What could be wrong??

Could be the gun but also could be the reloads. I know the Python had issues with light strikes when it first came out but they fixed that issue within a few weeks of the release.

Did you try firing the rounds again?
Did you shoot any factory ammo?
Cylinder clean and the extractor fully seated on loading? Cases might not seat completely and part of the strike drives the case a bit reducing actual impact on primer. Longish shot but we can't see your revolver.
"Did you try firing the rounds again?
Did you shoot any factory ammo?"

Yes and yes. It has been failure free from months.

Cleaning? Ha! Everyone knows revolvers dont need cleaning! :D
I promise to clean it today.

Mainspring? I have changed nothing on the pistol.

But ... I was typically shooting single action, which makes me flinch too often. So recently I have been in double action mode, and then this light strike problem appeared.

I will call Colt on monday, and hopefully they will fix it.
A couple of factoids for yall:

In single action mode, the hammer is pulled back maybe 1/4" more, as opposed to double action mode. Interesting!

Primers: with failures, I was using winc WLP primers. About one failure every cylinder. Just shot 12 rounds with wolf pistol primers - zero failures - more interesting!!