Colt Agent


New member
So what em I gonna pay for a used one? Are these guns safe from dropping? I remember hearing that they were prone to AD if droped on the hammer or something to that matter? Is there any particular vintage I should either look for or avoid. Are they safe for +P? Thanx.
Greeting's Sox,

I would recommend looking for a vintage 60's model Colt Agent; it's the one without the shroud.:D These were made
with Colt quality in mind, instead of the mess of more
recent manufacture.:) These are fine firearms; but I would
not recommend shooting +P ammunition in them. Stay with standard pressure loading's, as offered by most major manufacturer's; mainly due to it's alloy frame and light-
weight; only 14 ozs. Expect to pay around $325 to $350 for
one that would be rated LNIB.:( These little gems do demand
a premium.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member