Colt Agent - Sights

Boy, I do love my new Colt Agent. My wife even likes it (because it's so little.)

Two things I want to improve are the grips, which I want to replace with Houge, and the sights, or correctly, the front sight. When practicing at the range the sight seems to get lost in the target.

What are my options for this? I'd like something that makes the front sight stand out better.

Thanks in advance.
As for the front sight, I wouldn'tt butcher a classic...just put some white out on the front sight....testers also makes some glow paint...pick a color you like and you're good to for grips, you might want to try the newer wood grips that came on the DS in the 80s....thicker than the Agent grips...
I agree that you shouldn't go too far with the front sight. On my Agent, I used some of that white enamel paint normally used for touching up dings in porcelain sinks. It's lasted through several range trips and cleanings so far.

Here's another option if you want to get fancy:

As far as grips, take a look at the Pachmayr Compacs, which I believe are what Colt shipped on some of the last Detective Special models before giving up on sales to us civilian folk.
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Don't do it.
Don't replace that front sight. Colt's in factory condition are increasing in value. As the others mentioned, try some touch up paint to increase the the sight's visibility before doing anything permanent. Dabbed a bit of bright orange on my Cobra's (very close to an Agent) front sight and it really helped.
As for grips I replaced the factory issue with Eagle Secret Service grips and have been pleased.
Take Care
Go to a model shop, get some bright orange or "neon pink" enamel for the front sight and some white for the rear - and the smallest brush they have :).

You want to paint the whole rear outline area white, and the whole front ramp orange or similar.

This will work even in somewhat dim light, which is where a lot of fights happen. This is the sight colors I used on my Charter Undercover, and it works extremely well.

I would also vote for the Pachmeyr Compac grip, truly nice feel and fills in the area behind the trigger guard.
Ditto Jim Marsh's Recommendation

I did exactly what Jim just said & then went out and played with my local IDPA group. It was great.

Good luck.........