Colorado Whose to Blame


New member
Currently, the blame has fallen on 3 things, the parents, the Guns, and Pop Culture.
I think that blame should fall on scoiety. For all the "all man all create equal" stuff that this country spews all the time, in High School and the rest of our society, nothing could be further from the truth. everyday, we judge people by the way they look, talk, smell, etc. I'm guilty of it too. But then we tell young people that you should treat all people the same. and if you don't treat people the same, there is something wrong with you the converse is then assumed, if people don't treat you right, then your weird, its a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Then there is the new Victim complex that we teach our children. Your a victim, and you should get what rightfully yours. We need to teach our kid(that includes me since I'm really just a kid at 21) to be responsible for what they do. These things more than the guns, pop culture and the parents are to blame for the tradegy.

Thats just my thoughts. and now I sit ready for the fire

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
chink: Consider this for a second. April 26th was the "trigger" date for the CIH virus. As of today, 300,000 PC's were affected. The CIH virus is the one that renders the flash PROM useless, and therefore renders the mother board useless. Tens of millions of dollars were wasted just because someone thought what a cool harmless prank this would be. $100.00 for a motherboard isn't going to break me, but I do have better things to do with my money (Still debating FAUP). My point here is that there is a connection between wht happened in CO, and what happened on the 26th.That connection is responsibility. Responsibility used to mean to accept the result of your actions. Today it means to accept the dubious fame of your actions. Every time a bomb goes off in Ireland, the news media spouts " So and SO has claimed responsibility,,yada,,yada" Taken in that context, which every day more and more are programmed to accept, the 2 shooters were responsibile. Everyone is scrambling to point the finger of blame at someone else on this. Easy access to guns, music, video games, the parents, the school, the internet,,etc. Violence in music isn't new, in fact it's thousands of years old, read the Book of Psalms, these were written a couple of thousand years ago. As has been pointed out here, access to guns is far more dificult today that in the 50's. People have always, as far back as time, used the excuse that someone is different, to justify violence against them. Just a few thoughts from an "oldster". At 21, you are closer to what's happening today than I am at 47. It's always insightful to read what is happening from the perspective of a younger poster. It has been pointed out by a lot of others that kids of all ages are very skilled at masking their actions. I agree with you, society is to blame. Every one of us has to accept a part of the blame. Every dime we spend on something useless, every time we "keep up with the flow of traffic", every time we let the chance to vote slip by, we contribute to the problem as a whole. Gun control isn't the answer, cencorship isn't the answer, more restictions on parents isn't the answer. There has to be a starting point. Parents have to start. Kids aren't some kind of plant that you just put a seed in the ground, water and walk away from. We are becoming a Nation as morally deficient as ancient Rome. Caligula sits on the throne, and watches the games, we the free citizens cheer from the sidelines, for our favorite contestants. What appalls me is the support these 2 little bastards have, and the way that some politicians use the incident to further their ideas. Listen to the song "Sympathy for the Devil", and see if it applies today. The violence has always been there, as well as the apathy, the only thing that has changed is the speed we have access to it.


Ditto to what Hal has said.

And to add to it, the image one portays creates the first immpression another person recieves. You only get one chance to make the first impression.

The length of hair, the type of clothes, the absence or proliferation of body piercing or tattoos, the manner of walking or standing all contribute to the impression.

We do have the right to judge. How else would you propose to avoid a potentially harmful situation? We make judgement every second of our waking life.

There are socially acceptable norms when it somes to these types of things, and anything deviating from the norm throws up warning flags. The further from the norm, the more flags are thrown up, and the harsher the judgement. Seeing an individual who's appearance espouses a deviant life-style is like taking a walk in the woods and hearing a rattlesnake close by.

"Created equal," as I understand it, only applies to opportunity, and ability to exercise our God-given rights.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
I agree that the shooters are responisble for the shoot, the person who wrote the code should be responsible for the effects of the virus, but people are going to look for something else to blame because they did it at a school and cuz they were different from the norm.
I thought it was a gicen that ultimately, the shooters are responsible, but if we want to stop things like this from happening again, we must look at what caused the two boys to have so much rage.
I contend that is not the guns, the parents, or pop culture. But the fact that if your in high school and your different, it is a very tough and lonely life, and being male, they didn't feel they could talk to people anyone about their problem so they let if fester for probably all 4 years they were there. thats all i'm saying
Obviously, we all have to make many snap judgements about people every day. The hard part is not making you forever a prisoner of those quick judgements. I took a sociology class last semester (never trust a pseudo-science inspired by Karl Marx) and in that class there was a multipierced character with black hair, etc. The class started every day with a 20-min current events/general discussion (brawl session). Much to my surprise, this guy backed me up on every point I made, and made many of his own that hadn't even occurred to me. This isn't the first time I've been way wrong about someone, and it probably won't be the last.
I've toyed with the notion that much of this may be due to the forced abandonment of corporal punishment by parents. (The timing is about right...) It's possible, you know, that some small fraction of children aren't capable of learning that personal responsiblity without the aid of adversive physical conditioning. There's nothing like pain, after all, to make you pay attention to the interests of other people. Just a thought.