Colorado Students walk out


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I wish there was some way to physically support these students as I believe their protest is righteous. I applaud then for voicing their distain at the media and politicians that are trying the best they can to capitalize on this once again tragedy. The wounded were still in the hospitals and the normal idiots were already in the airwaves. The Gov. calling for even more restrictions. Some wannabe news anchor/talking head interviewing a 12 year old and applauding him for his bravery while she feigned her disgust and fears!

I get the feeling the kids get it, they have expressed some of the same feelings about this as I have. All I can say again is Bravo, Stand up Be loud, Be heard and don't give in.

I hope their movement grows. Good luck children!
Thank you for posting this link, the article is a breath of fresh air.

Students wise to ulterior motives, unwilling to be used for the 'control' agenda, and vocal about it. Gives me hope for the Future.

I wish there was some way to physically support these students as I believe their protest is righteous. I applaud then for voicing their distain at the media and politicians that are trying the best they can to capitalize on this once again tragedy. The wounded were still in the hospitals and the normal idiots were already in the airwaves. The Gov. calling for even more restrictions. Some wannabe news anchor/talking head interviewing a 12 year old and applauding him for his bravery while she feigned her disgust and fears!

I get the feeling the kids get it, they have expressed some of the same feelings about this as I have. All I can say again is Bravo, Stand up Be loud, Be heard and don't give in.

I hope their movement grows. Good luck children!
I agree it's poor form to have this tragedy be politicized but I think what's lost is the student's true feelings about this event..I suspect it's along the lines of the Parkland students..tired of being a possible target at school...
From the article photographs, this looks as if it was held in the school's auditorium. As the article notes,

Many students appeared unaware the event was organized by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Sen. Michael Bennet and Rep. Jason Crow, both Democrats, both spoke at length about the need for federal action. The Brady Campaign invited reporters to cover the event.

If the school had a role in organizing this, some accountability would be appropriate.
USNR93, I whole heartedly agree. I am thoroughly disgusted and pained myself every time I hear of these events. There is absolutely no excuse for this to keep reoccurring of that because we as a society refuse to address the underlying cause. Which is not the gun but the Broken Human behind the gun.

I had heard there was a comment made by one of the perps mothers tat Bullying was the cause of this. Well if that is so then what is it we are teaching our children? The way to solve a problem at school is to take a gun and shoot everyone? Is that truly what we are teaching? Seems to be.
USNR93, I whole heartedly agree. I am thoroughly disgusted and pained myself every time I hear of these events. There is absolutely no excuse for this to keep reoccurring of that because we as a society refuse to address the underlying cause. Which is not the gun but the Broken Human behind the gun.

I had heard there was a comment made by one of the perps mothers tat Bullying was the cause of this. Well if that is so then what is it we are teaching our children? The way to solve a problem at school is to take a gun and shoot everyone? Is that truly what we are teaching? Seems to be.
Gotta agree...have no solutions but Broken Human, certainly...
I agree it's poor form to have this tragedy be politicized but I think what's lost is the student's true feelings about this event..I suspect it's along the lines of the Parkland students..tired of being a possible target at school...

I agree as well, though I do believe that the students clearly indicated a level of disgust at being politicized so quickly. Otherwise, kids don't want to deal with this, I don't want them to deal with it, and it's a tragedy.

USNR93, I whole heartedly agree. I am thoroughly disgusted and pained myself every time I hear of these events. There is absolutely no excuse for this to keep reoccurring of that because we as a society refuse to address the underlying cause. Which is not the gun but the Broken Human behind the gun.

Absolutely. But what makes that human being broken? Unfortunately there is not one answer. There are many. It honestly breaks my heart for two reasons. The loss of innocent life first and foremost, but also that the suspects were likely failed at many points in years past and weren't "born" monsters... but forever more they will be now. Without waxing too philosophical, I will say that I believe most (there are exceptions, Jeffrey Dahmer et al) Human Beings are pliable and can be molded to be either good or bad. In the end the killers went through with this terrible deed, and they knew that it was unadultered evil. So they earned their future place. I still have remorse for lives that could have been.

Kendrick Castillo, don't forget that name. Don't utter the other 2 names.
Bravo Kids!

Anyone pay any attention to how the cartels 'groom' their killers?

It's all about desensitizing, they start with the kids at 8-10 years old. Ultra violent video games are part of their formula.
My point is it takes years to 'groom' these killers.

My point is the behavior must be taught. It takes years for those kids to acquire those dead eyes.

More broken humans, in the case of the cartels they are broken on purpose. Not trying to drift the thread. The point is it is not an easy simple thing to teach someone to kill with zero remorse.
It is against human nature.
So, how desperate is the Brady Campaign? Apparently this desperate.

Back in the day, they were Handgun Control Inc, and they were the 800lb gorilla of the gun-control movement. They even got a major federal law passed in Sarah Brady's name in 1994. Then gun control became a toxic political issue, and their influence waned. Their budget, which was once in the seven figures, is now around $6,000.

When the Newtown shooting happened, that should have been their ticket back to the mainstream, but Michael Bloomberg stepped in and monopolized the whole shindig. It was weirdly satisfying to watch then-president Dan Gross bicker with them over who'd get to capitalize on it first.

(Apparently, members of Moms Demand Action, a Bloomberg proxy showed up for this event, and there was bickering over who got to speak at the podium.)

They've been trying their hand at nuisance lawsuits against companies like Lucky Gunner and Remington, but they've failed at that as well.

So, is this desperate, clumsy grab at relevance the least bit surprising? I guess it shouldn't be.
There are no training courses, regulations, or licenses required to have children. Anyone, no matter how broken, dull witted, or mentally disturbed they may be, can have and raise children as they see fit. In addition to genetic defects, there are bound to be a certain percentage of people living on the edge as a result of poor upbringing, and law enforcement only steps in after they break. If only 1/1000th of one percent of our population are sick enough to shoot innocent people that is still over 3,000 potential killers running loose. Frankly I am surprised there are not more such shootings, and I suspect there will be given the amount of press they get.

My point is mental health is a very complex problem that perhaps can be better addressed at its core through education. High schools require courses in English, history, and math - maybe they should also require courses in something as basic and critical to society as raising healthy well adjusted children. Perhaps such a course could be a prerequisite to getting a marriage license. It certainly would not eliminate all misfits, but it may be more effective over time than the impossible task of trying to keep sick people away from guns by trampling on the rights of the other 99.999% of healthy gun owners.
Shooting was Tues., Vigil was Weds., there wasn't a story on the main page of Yahoo News until yesterday.

Yahoo story stated that the event was organized by Moms Demand Action and they are the ones that set the agenda and speakers. Again despicable move. To take a memorial vigil and turn it into a Political Event, I'm truly glad the kids got it right! Maybe we need more STEM Schools?.