Colorado "Shall Issue" legislation


New member
Bill <a href="">SB99-108</a> has passed committee and is on its way to the full Senate. I'll keep everyone posted. Its <a href=""> full text</a> shows no loopholes.
Thanks! It still has to pass the Senate and House, then be signed by the Governor. Similar legislation has made it to the Gov's desk in the last few years only to be vetoed, but we've got a new Republican Governor now.

I'm going to call his office and request his support, even though his stated beliefs and history show he'll happily make "Shall-issue" a law.
Great to hear about the progress in Colorado. A bit confused though. On the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners web page, it reports that a better measure by Sen. Marilyn Musgrave is being heard on the senate floor. I hope Musgrave's "Vermont style" bill passes because it seems simpler, less restrictive, permits are cheaper and respects the privacy of permit holders (doesn't require fingerprint check, no registration of permit holder's guns allowed). Here's the RMGO url if you're interested:
Glad to hear that the Gov. is more supportive too!
Good luck,
It's Musgrave's bill that is being considered. Governor Owens has stated that he'll sign it if it reaches his desk.Denver and Arapahoe county residents and all their friends and relatives should be on the phones...........
Yep, there are two bills in progress. I just got a call from Sen. Tebedo's office explaining <a href="">SB99-156</a>, which is better, and now being supported by those who were pushing SB99-108. 156 is a Vermont style law - if you can legally own a handgun, you MUST be issued a permit. No registration of weapons, no training required. GOOD BILL!

I notice that there is no expiration of permits in the bill, and the issuing party cannot place any limits upon the permits. To me, it looks like these are good for LIFE!