Colorado Senate votes on "Shall issue bill"

Ron S

New member
If you live in Colorado, don't forget to call or email your senator stating that you support the passage of bill SB99-156! This bill is being voted on Friday Febuary 19th, this Friday! Get yourself heard. As well, HB1305 is being voted on shortly (this one would force counties to comply with state policy, no more "you can't carry here"), we don't have much time left. You can read about both here:
And here:
Yep, Ron, I posted on this a while back, and I've been calling each Senator. I just noticed HB1305 a few days ago, and its a VERY GOOD thing. We'll be better off than Vermont, even, as no municipality will be able to supercede state law on firearms!

Hopefully, when any of you come to Denver for the NRA convention, we can celebrate together. Snatch Denver back from the Liberazi's!