Colorado juvenile expungement


I had a class 5 felony conviction when I was a juvenile that was recently expunged (it was actually an easy process, no complications since I haven't had another charge since). During the fifteen-minute hearing, the magistrate said that the only agency that had been informed of the original conviction was the arresting PD, and that they would be notified to expunge their records of the case. Will the PD also notify the Colorado Bureau of Investigations of the expungement as well so that the firearms check will pass?

I've read plenty of Internet lawyer advice, some good, some really bad, and the general consensus is that it depends on the state in which the crime was committed. Anyone have any specific knowledge about how this pertains to Colorado?

I could/should probably call a lawyer and ask but I wonder about getting a straight answer from any without paying something.
Thanks in advance.
My understanding (i'm not an attorney) is that you can legally declare that you do NOT have an arrest record, however, that record is still available to certain agencies (law enforcement, DA, Probation, etc...), and I would GUESS, that CBI would also have access to that info and can take it into consideration.

Since you had your record expunged, I know you've avioded trouble for at least four years, and that your offense was committed as a juvenile. Both of those things should be taken into consideration by the Sheriff's Department when deciding whether or not to grant your permit.

Here's some other info I found, good luck.

"You should be aware that even if your case is ordered expunged, basic information identifying you and a list of any state and local agencies and officials having contact with you, will be available to a district attorney, local law enforcement agency, and the department of human services. In addition, your record will be available to any judge or probation department for use in any future juvenile or adult sentencing hearing."

For additional information, please review Colorado Revised Statute §19-1-306, C.R.S.

Also, see: