Colorado - Gun Purchase Fee Coming?


New member

In the quest to close Colorado's budget gap, Gov. Bill Ritter today is expected to unveil a number of deep cuts and cost-saving measures, including one that would charge gun buyers a fee for state-run background checks.

The background-check fee is a $500,000 drop in a nearly $400 million bucket, but it's sure to spark protest from pro-gun advocates who opposed the $15 fee when it was proposed earlier this year.

I can't tell that today's Denver Post article has been posted here yet, so here it is.

Bill Ritter might not have had much concern for the state's budget as he passed his pet social programs, but now he's gotta find a way to pay for them, and a $15 fee for every background check at point of purchase seems to be in his sights.

If you are a resident of Colorado, you might like to contact the governor's office and give them your thoughts. If you are a nonresident with any intention of hunting here, this would affect you if you were unfortunate enough to need a replacement long gun.

If you'd like to contact Bill Ritter, his information is linked below.

If you are a resident of Colorado, please sign the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners petition linked below.

No need to donate per their request. My intention is not to solicit donations for them, but simply to get some opposition together, against these little nibbles at our 2A right.