Colorado gun bills tabled


New member
From AP:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Also Wednesday, the shootings at Columbine High School led two Colorado state lawmakers to withdraw gun proposals from the current legislative calendar.

One measure, by Republican state Rep. Gary McPherson, would let state law override local ordinances on gun control. McPherson said he acted "out of deference to the victims and their families. Now is not the time to have this debate."

The Colorado House's majority leader, GOP state Rep. Doug Dean, was sponsoring a bill to simplify the issuance of permitsfor concealed weapons.

Dean reported receiving calls at his Colorado Springs home, some of them with "veiled threats," after the Littleton shootings.[/quote]

Now, I'm not sure these have been tabled for the entire session, or just the next day or so. AP isn't notorious for getting the facts straight in situations such as this, and they tend to be anti-self defense, so I'm taking this with a grain of salt, and doing some calling around.

I note that the anti-self defense crowd is showing their true colors again, threatening those they disagree with.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited April 21, 1999).]
Damn it! I just got off the phone with Doug Dean's office (House majority leader, behind the Shall-Issue legislation) and was told that both the pre-emtion bill and concealed carry bill had been withdrawn for this session.

I, of course, expressed my desire to speak with Mr. Dean at his earliest convenience, and discussed with the agent on the phone my views that now is the time to go forward - an armed teacher/parent/administrator could only have had a good effect in this tragedy. True, they may not have done anything good, but I don't see how they could have done anything to make it worse.

Colorado members, please call Mr. Dean's office at (303)866-2348 and express your support for re-introduction of the pro-gun bills.

Other Colorado legislators numbers are on the <a href="">Colorado State Web Page</a>.

Please help if you can - we were so close, it'd be a shame to lose all of our momentum now.
I am so freakin' mad now I don't know what I'm going to do.....


Okay, okay, okay....deep breaths, deep Morgan says, CO members must try for the reinstatement of these highly important bills...highly important.

Now then, I really would like a CCW permit, and I'd like it soon. Supposing the pro-gun bills aren't reintroduced, I'm considering trying anyway from my county. I live in Boulder County, currently in the city of Longmont but will soon move to Boulder. Do any CO members here know the requirements for a CCW in my situation? Do I go to the county sheriff or city police chief? From what I read, I don't need to show need, but I'd like verification if possible. Also, could I apply in another county if I can't get one here?

If none of this is workable, I think I will just move the h*ll outta here. I can't stand this nonsense much longer....

Thanks for any info!

Well, it looks like Dean didn't have a choice in this matter - too many of his supporters went for the "situational ethics," or, more appropriatly, turned to cowards when the chips were down. The <a href="">story</a> is in today's Denver Post.

BAB - I envy you. You can go to your local sheriff (with proof of a basic handgun course) and get a permit. I'm in Denver proper, and it looks like I'll never get one.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited April 22, 1999).]
Morgan--think there's any chance of getting these bills back? I've been pounding Dean, McPherson, and former supporters about this...

BTW, I don't know that you should really envy me, at least not for a while...from what I read at the county sheriff's web site, one has to be at least 25 before one can get a permit (I'm 23)...I've written them for verification of this, in the hope that has changed (web site was last updated Sept. '97). Hell, I may not even be here by the time I'm 25...don't know if I can stand this nonsense much longer :(

You live in Denver proper, you say? That calls for another couple sad faces! :( :(

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited April 22, 1999).]
Just read the Denver Post article...and while the whole thing makes me to my stomach...this is among the worst:

Reimer said Dean had left the Statehouse, concerned about his safety and that of his family because of threats he said he had received throughout the day. Dean has maintained since mid-March that he and his family have been threatened by those who oppose his view on guns.

My question: What in the @#$% is being done about these threats? This is totally, absolutely, and in all other ways, ridiculous...that lawmakers can have themselves and families threatened to the point of fear, with no followup...outrageous!!