Colorado Get Together still on track!

Larry Ashcraft

New member
Per the thread started over on THR, the Colorado Get Together is still on track for this Saturday, Sept. 11th. The weather should be great (for a change) and I've about got the place ready. I've expanded the berm a little and got the back yard reasonably clean and smooth.

Sandy broke her arm last Friday, but friends and family have pitched in to make sure everything got done.

Crystal Albertus (Labgrade's wife) emailed me today and she will be here. I'm sure some of you would like to extend your memories and sympathies to this strong lady.

THR may not be back up before the Get Together, so if there are any questions or requests for directions, please post them here.
Let me reiterate here Larry ... you just make sure .... to give that Crystal a huge composite hug ..... cos I know I can't be there but .. she sure deserves one. And I know she'll get it too ... but include me will ya .... in a sorta 'spiritual'' sense!

Hope Sandy doin Ok ... reckon as how all the folks you seem to be gettin along ..... will make her heal even quicker! :)

Now remember ... too ..... we do need some nice pix of the event - OK? That's an order! :D Hope it all goes real well.
Chris, you can bet I will give her a hug, and I will make sure to tell her that part of it is from you! And I hope to post a picture of the hug (or many) as well.

Sandy is doing OK. The pain has subsided and the doctor today said a cast should be plenty, no surgery. But Sandy has worked in hospitals for over thirty years so she is going to get a "second opinion" from the doctor who performed surgery on my hand several years ago. We'll find out next Tuesday what he says.

Oh, and we will have plenty of pix if Standing Wolf shows up, and he said he would be here. Also, I got a new digicam since last year, so I'll contribute too.
Oh, almost forgot, this from Crystal today:

"Shane is doing ok for as sick as he was. He's home (now here in Longmont) and able to be with his family which is great! His kidneys have still not fully recovered. His doctor's aren't sure they will. The damage to his heart is going to take some time to assess. All in All though he is feeling better and I hope that just continues to improve. BTW The red boxing gloves Dave (THR) gave him still have a prominent place in their home."

I have no idea how to get to your place. Please email a set of directions to me. I'll be coming from The Springs via I25.


I can't remember how to get there. I spoke with Justin earlier this evening, and he doesn't remember, either.

Between us, we've got it pretty well covered, eh?
Thx for the update on Shane .... sounds like plenty of uphill climb yet awhile but - nonetheless most encouraging.
I can't remember how to get there. I spoke with Justin earlier this evening, and he doesn't remember, either.

Between us, we've got it pretty well covered, eh?
Bwhahahah ..... ROTFLMAO ......

Though I can't make it - I know how to get there.
The instructions I was given " Listen for a John Deere Tractor , and coordinate with the smell of Fresh homemade salsa, hang a right, listen for gunfire - you are here." - Sandy

Sounds simple to me.:p

Sounds like we need a thread on maps, topology, compass usage...GPSs have batteries - batteries quit.

Ya'll have fun , my best to all - give Sandy and Crystal a hug...