Colorado elk it is.


New member
Wanting to hunt elk BEFORE i die, i've come to the realization that it's not gonna happen in Pennsylvania. 30,000 applying for 126 tags.

I was looking at hunting in Wyoming. But price and draw don't gaurentee anything.

I'm looking at an over the counter license in Colorado.
Any offers for a guide?

I know the Denver, Golden, Skiers Paradise, Red Rocks area. Don't know about the rest of the state.
We have some big herds on the Western slope. Gunnison, Montrose, the uncompaghre Plateau all produce good to great Elk each season

I see some good size bulls being driven to the game processing places in town pretty regularly.
When you say "porcessing" do you mean butcher, or package and ship?
I usually butcher my own game. Just need someone to ship it back to PA.
My friend tagged a nice bull on a guided muzzleloader hunt around Gunnison in 2015. Took him 6-8 years to accumulate enough points to make the draw. I went along as his "pack mule" on a cow elk hunt near Montrose the next year and he didn't even see an elk. I don't consider CO public land as an elk hunting opportunity any more--too hard to draw a tag in an area where success is more than a glimmer of hope.
I've hunted on a large private ranch (not in CO) the last two years and am 100% tags filled but NO, I'm not sharing where that is.
My wife and I packed the truck and headed west in late October to hunt Colorado's 3rd season which ran Nov. 3-Nov. 11. We got into Colorado 3 days before the hunt to scout. This was a DIY public land hunt.

We found a cabin to stay in while scouting and planned to set up a camp on nearby public land after scouting the area. We decided to just stay in the cabin and hunt from it. We got a discount on the cabin if we stayed at least 7 days and it was close enough to the area we hunted that it really involved no more driving every day.

I'd deer hunted Colorado once before in 2010 and tagged along with some other guys who had been in the past. But I couldn't get anyone to go with me this time. In 2010 we hunted the NW corner and I was tempted to go there this time. But I settled on the south central area near Pagosa Springs. Coming from GA it is almost a full day's drive closer. From PA hunting in the northern part of the state may be closer.

After the 2010 hunt I decided that if I were driving that far I'd buy an elk tag next time. I can kill a deer at home. My plan was to go back every other year until I got an elk. But life often has other plans and it was impossible to go before this year.

My wife and I are both 60 and not getting any younger. I decided that I probably only have a few more years that I'll be able to climb the mountains so we just went for it. My wife doesn't hunt, but she went along as company and to help get one out if successful.

The tag was $661. I drove 3700 miles total and was gone 2 weeks staying in either motels or the cabin. I didn't include the costs of food because we'd have to eat at home anyway, but we spent about $2000-$2200 total on the trip. Had I gone with another hunter and split the costs of gas and lodging it would have been less expensive.

I didn't see any sign while scouting, but was advised by locals that was normal. I was told the elk were currently several miles to the west and recent snows would push them east into this area in a few days. With that info I decided to hunt a drainage to the west of our cabin. I didn't see a thing for 3 days, but 4 other hunters staying in nearby cabins had elk in the campground by Monday and I decided to change plans. I moved into another area a few miles to the east to hunt on day 4.

Within 1/2 mile of the road it looked like a barn yard. Elk tracks and droppings everywhere. I hunted that area for the last few days with no success. The elk by then had already moved on farther east. Had I hunted that spot the 1st few days I would have likely at least had an opportunity.

I plan to return to the same area next year and for as long as I can still get up the mountains. Or until I kill an elk. I knew that going in blind and completely inexperienced the 1st year would probably just be a learning experience. I know the area much better now and have learned from mistakes on this trip.

I don't consider myself an expert by any means, but after doing this once I feel like there were many things I did right. Many that I'll do differently next time. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them if I can.
I have friends and we have hunted elk in Colorado in the last 20 years they hunt elk and I have had more fun hunting Blue Grouse now days they are called Dusky Grouse the non resident small game license is $ 56 and the season is from September 1 to November 15 with a 3 Grouse a day limit .I live close to Colorado that I drive up for day hunts . I like using cap and ball but rifle handgun slingshot pellet gun bows and shot guns can be used for Dusky Grouse . They make a great meal in the evenings .
Do you want a chance for a bull or do you want to take any elk? There are cow hunts you can do semi guided and almost guaranteed to take one. Only thing is the hunt isn't in Colorado, but just over the border in NM.
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I'm a DIY guy. At least that's what my wallet tells me.
I'd like a bull elk if possible, not looking for a trophy. But if one walks by...
I'm looking for meat, but most of all the experience. If joined by good people to enjoy the experience with, all the better!
Saw the CO Fish & Game Game Warden yesterday. He had three elk heads in the back of his truck. All poached that he had seized. Amazing haul for just one officer (and his big mean dog).
Yeah, i'm afraid i've heard of some elk poaching here, no proof though.
If you get lucky enough to get drawn, then you cannot apply again for 5 years.
Have heard of guys "getting one every year". And they didn't go out of state.
Again, hearsay..