Colorado close to Vermont style CCW...Read this

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Moderator Emeritus
" Vermont-style bill moving!!! Colorado 2/8/99

The Colorado Senate will consider SB156, the Freedom to Carry
Act, later this week. Sponsored by heroine Sen. Marilyn
Musgrave and gun rights activist Rep. Scott McKay, this bill
would force sheriffs to issue permits to any applicant who is
eligible to purchase a firearm. This is the only bill that has
made it out of committee and is actively working its way through
the legislative process.

Styled after Vermont's CCW law, this measure is the first
concealed carry law offered in the Colorado legislature without
such anti-gun provisions like fingerprinting of applicants,
government-mandated training, and centralized databases.

That doesn't mean the bill is perfect. The Senate Judiciary
Committee added several "no-safety zones," where lawless thugs
are free to prey on unarmed citizens. They include athletic
events (professional, college, and high school), government
buildings and schools (already covered under federal law).

These criminal safe zones must be removed from the bill.

Also, State Capitol insiders report that other supposed "pro-gun"
organizations are quietly trying to kill this bill in order to
bring up a more restrictive concealed carry bill that won't force
politicians to make a tough choice.

What to do:

Call the Senators below today, and urge them to do two things:

1 - Remove the "no-safety zones," especially at athletic events.
Many events are held in areas where citizens are most at risk
from violent crime.

2 - Pass this bill to the House!

Let them know that you will be watching their votes on this bill,
and that you consider this the most important vote of this

District Senator Direct phone (303-866-XXXX)
22 Norma Anderson 303-866-4859
26 Tom Blickensderfer 303-866-3341
06 Jim Dyer 303-866-4884
28 Elsie Lacy 303-866-2578
10 Ray Powers 303-866-3342
12 Maryanne Tebedo 303-866-4880
07 Ron Teck 303-866-3077
08 Dave Wattenberg 303-866-5292

Calls to the State Capitol can be made toll-free to
1-888-473-8136 "

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Do you know when the bill is to be voted on?

Many of us will be in Denver at the end of April for the NRA event.

Its to be voted on in the State Senate this week and hopefully passed on to the Colo. state House

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I got the same e-mail DC posted (we're all members of GOA, aren't we?) and called all of the listed Senators plus a few more.

By the way, I'm hoping to meet some of you when the NRA convention comes to town. Anyone who wants info on Denver e-mail me.