Colorado alert


Staff Alumnus
Governor Owens has signed an executive order directing CBI to start doing our background checks again, in response to the Castle Rock incident.

Bad enough that CBI couldn't find it's collective arse with both hands and a flashlight; they're doubling the fee as well, since they now have to check on long guns as well.

So we get less efficiency at twice the price. Gosh, I feel so much safer now.
I never bought a gun under the CBI system. Could you elaborate a bit on the implications? Is it no longer going to be instant? What should I expect for a fee?

You get to fill out two forms, one state and one federal, with duplicate information. You get to pay $10 per check (not per gun, yet).
CBI is sloooow; most of my transactions took 15-30 minutes to approve, compared to 2-3 minutes under the feds. CBI gets 5 days to approve a transaction, compared to the feds' 3 days. CBI also freaked out about my name change EVERY SINGLE TIME I was called in.

It's a large step backwards, and it's all because of the idiot in Castle Rock who killed his kids, then himself.
Ah, I see...

Thanks for the clarification.

Now, just one more question, and I hope I'm not deflecting the course of the thread to seriously, but I just want to eliminate a bit of my ignorance on the subject.

The question is: We're not registered in any way when we fill out those forms, are we? They just keep those for purchase info purposes or something? Are they stored or destroyed later on? I just basically want to know what becomes of those forms and the info submitted, and what implications arise from the fact that they are filled out and indicate that we did purchase a firearm on such and such a day, etc, etc.

Thanks again!
CBI and FBI can't get their stories straight on what happens to the forms and the info thereon.

By law, they're not supposed to maintain them at all. The FBI does, according to Louis Freeh, but "only for auditing purposes." CBI won't talk about it at all.

Screw 'em. Private transactions for this guy from now on.
Bab- the check only asks long gun or handgun, no serial # info is asked for or given. FWIW, CBI checks never took more time for me than the NICS checks are taking, about 2 minutes- just what it takes to complete the conversation.
You know the saying, "Ask any 3 gunners a question, and you'll get 5 answers."

CBI was a major PITA for me. (shrug) We still have to fill out the 4473.
I remember from your earlier posts that you had a major problem with the CBI check, I would think that with a name as unique as yours that they'd remember that you were one of the good guys. My last name being Jones, I anticipated all kinds of confusion, hasn't happened.
Yeah, that's what torques me about CBI. They don't have the slightest inkling of a clue. AFAIK, I'm the only Coinneach Fitzpatrick in the US, and I've never been arrested, much less imprisoned for a felony. So I shouldn't have any problems with them... but I do.

Please repost the proper pronunciation of your first name. I know in the past you've said it is not coin-each, I'd hate to hate to keep mentally saying it incorrectly :)
Ewok: yeah, you may have a point there.

Walkn' Man: it's more or less "cone-ach" (the last syllable like the German lungbutter sound).

And all TFLers who will be at the meet in Nevada... feel free to ask, although I expect I'll be pretty tired of saying my name by the 29th. :)
Coineach, maybe it's because with your name, they're afraid you're a front man for the IRA and they want to make sure you're not trafficking through the Sinn Fein. ;) Just kidding, of course.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
not to throw water on your fire, i for one hope when (and if cbi) get's it's act together, that they do as they did before the fed's took over, and that is to recognize any person who hold's a ccw to be exempt from b/ground check's.

One problem there: I refuse to bribe the Sheriff to let me exercise a right. I do not have and will not get a concealed carry "permit."

Sigh. It's tough being an ideologue...

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Although most folks think that their background check through NICS or any other government run firearms regulation system is safe from abuse, they are mistaken.

If you truly want your retain your firearm privacy, deal with private individuals only.
you're in colo sprgs. go ask the sherrif. he was one of the first to issue to the mass's
by the way it is a misdemeanor not a felony to carry concealed in colo. without a permit.max fine $50.