Colonial Williamsburg Opens Educational Musket Range


New member
Reading my August issue of American Rifleman I ran across the ad. Visitors can fire Replica Brown Bess Muskets. The add says the range is open till Nov. 22. The price is 119 bucks but I could think of a better cause or reason to spend that [emoji41] Neat Neat Neat!! Maybe I'll have to load Maw and the little geezers up and head that way. Been a long while since I've been. Just what I need, fire a flintlock and open up a whole nother can of worms. [emoji3]

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Cool, anything that gets children interested in muskets is a good thing.

I wonder what the $119 pays for though? Seems a mite steep if it's just a short training session then one or two live fire shots...
Looks like a nice range. And I think it's great they opened it. And I'll bet some folks that leave there have their intrests peaked. Thanks for posting the link Mehavey

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We (The Old Guard) were there 1975.We carried the 2nd Model Brown Bess muskets with bayonets,in Revolutionary War uniforms.Did a lot of live firing at the range at Quantico ,Va. Did firing, reloading and bayonet charge drill. We didn't fire bullets at Williamsburg. Just blanks. I was in the Commander in Chiefs Guard,Company A,1st Battalion,3rd Infantry Regiment,The Old Guard,Fort McNair, Washington DC 1974-1975 We didn't carry M16s,we carried M14s for ceremonies Like at Arlington National Cemetery and parades and such in Blues.I never did see an M16 the whole time I was there! Marched at the 200th anniversary at Lexington and Concord,the 200th anniversary of the taking of Fort Ticonderoga. We marched a few times at the White House in Revolutionary War Uniforms.Then there was Philadelphia,that sucked.I think it was Barbra Walters gave a 45 minute speech at the Official Opening of the Bicentennial. Man,those white wigs and wool uniforms were hot! The warmest job was marching 4 miles in Boston in 90 deg+ heat. I cant remember all the places we marched in those uniforms. There were a lot of 200th anniversary's to celebrate back then. We marched up and down the East Coast. But,we(me and my buddies)had lots of fun in the US Army. Note: This unit was a reenactment of General George Washington's Body Guard. Huzaaaaa!!!!
Gary,pretty sure they were repros They looked new,or near new. I have no idea who made them. When they came out of the Arms Room,we shined the brass,even for parade practice.And oiled them down when they were returned to same. They still have the Commander in Chiefs Guard at Fort Meyer,and it is still part of The Old Guard,and they still carry muskets. Might be the same ones. Call them!! 703-696-3086
Nothing says "MURICA" like three-quarters of an inch of solid lead being blown your way out of a six feet long gun that uses a rock for ignition!!! :cool: :D
Back in mid-June of 2000, my wife, youngest son and I got to spend the better part of a week in London. We spent the most part of one of those days at the Tower. If any reader here gets a chance to visit that place, you'll not only see one of the biggest (if NOT the biggest) collection of Brown Bess muskets and horse pistols that have the Tower mark on the lock, but you'll be exactly where they were made, besides. Unbelievable place; no repros there, certain sure.