Colloquium on Pointshooting in Tucson Arizona

Az Qkr

8, 9 and 10 October 2005, Tucson, Arizona-- Colloquium on Pointshooting Course. This three-day program will cover Quick Kill concepts covered by Robin Brown; Quick Fire concepts covered by Robin and 7677; FAS concepts covered by Matt Temkin; the Sight Continuum Theories covered by 7677 and provides a thorough foundation in all the pointshooting platforms mentioned as well as when each should can be used in concert with each other. Each day consists of an 8-hour block of hands-on instruction. Tuition is $400.00 for a two day block or $500.00 for the three day block. To register, please contact Robin Brown at

The airport, Tucson International, is a straight 8 mile shot from the range. It has the usual collection of rental car agencies and hotels. Directions will be provided as needed to the range as we get close to the event.

Motel reservations can be made at the Embassy Suites 520.573.0700 and Fairfield Inn 520.747.7474. Embassy Suites is a business oriented place, with amenities. The Fairfield is a clean stop just off the Interstate, more oriented to the overnight guest.
The training event has been upgraded:

Use of cover and a simple approach to it's use with small arms---including its use in and around vehicles.

Holding BGs at gun point, interacting with responding police and other post shooting tactics.

Basic combatives for weapon retention.

A simple, common sense approach to low light tactics.

7677, Matt and myself will also be holding optional (and informal) evening classes in WW2 combatives, knife defense and firearm disarming at no extra charge.

This is a unique opportunity to learn various known pointshooting systems from people who have been trained at the original masters hands for each system. Each has it's own unique strengths dependant on time and distance in an armed defensive situation.

The WW2 hand to hand combatives is considered by many to still be one of the most effective [ simple to remember and use ] means of dealing with adversaries.

Students will be shown how to effectively disarm or control an aggressor holding them at gunpoint and not be shot using airsoft pistols.

We now have 7 confirmed with deposits for the October 8-10 2005 class in Tucson, Az.

The October 3 day event promises to be an exciting and enlightening time for those who atttend. Matt, 7677 and myself will be available after hours for those who are interested in some extra curricula activites.

For those attending, I'll bring all the training knives we need and be available for some defensive edged weapons training as well. This will be based on the course I taught for three years at the S+W Academy as their adjunct instructor in edged weapons defense.

I've recently developed two courses in Quick Kill. QK1 covers the basics and brings people up to speed in this known platform. QK2 will be more advanced and cover the hip shooting we were taught at SIONICS, shooting to your rear without having to turn and face threat [ thereby reducing the time to respond while under fire or about to be ] and shooting on the move from straight in and both obliques, all live fire. Both QK1 and QK2 will be covered during the three days in October.

I'm also in the process of developing a lowlight CQB course utilizing the registered and copyrighted Quick Kill techniques with pistols which should be ready by the time we meet in October as well.

Those interested in the 3 day in Tucson in October should contact me at for particulars. We can accept 5 more players for the October class. If you can't make this one, we are already planning another sometime early 06.

Robin Brown