Collin County Gun Range Benefit Match

Collin County IDPA will host a match to benefit the Collin County Gun Range legal defense fund on Saturday, June 30, 2001 from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM at the Collin County Gun Range. Collin County Gun Range is threatened with closure by the recently-passed City of McKinney Gun Range Ordinance. In addition to destroying the IDPA club by requiring all firing to take place from fixed firing positions, the ordinance will force the range to be closed on Sundays, and eliminate most training for law enforcement and the public, thereby reducing the range's revenues to less than 50% of current levels. Clearly, the City Council is unconcerned with the fact that no business can survive this kind of assault.

For more information on this issue, please see

In response to the passage of this draconian ordinance, the Collin County Gun Range has filed suit and is seeking injunctive relief. Collin County IDPA club supports them in this action. Therefore, we are hosting this match, with all proceeds going directly to fund CCGR's legal costs.

The match will consist of six exciting pistol stages. Details are still being worked out, but several IDPA-style stages and steel plate stages, and mixed paper-and-steel stages will be featured. The scoring systems will vary in accordance with the stage type, but will be standardized to a final score expressed in seconds.

Certificates will be awarded for the top three places in the following divisions:

IDPA Stock Service Pistol
IDPA Enhanced Service Pistol
IDPA Custom Defensive Pistol
IDPA Stock Service Revolver
USPSA Open Pistol or Revolver
USPSA Limited Pistol or Revolver

The match will be open to all experienced and qualified action pistol shooters, with no requirements for IDPA, USPSA/IPSC, or ICORE membership or classification. However, safety rules will be strictly enforced, and any safety violations may result in immediate disqualification from the match. CCGR is a "cold range"; guns will be unloaded and holstered at all times unless otherwise directed by the Safety Officer.

There will be no range fees or match fees. Admission to the match will be contingent upon a minimum $25.00 donation to the Collin County Gun Range legal defense fund. Registration and donations will be accepted at the door; advance payment is not required. 100% of donations go to the legal defense fund.

Volunteer Safety Officers are needed. SO's will need to show up 90 minutes early for the match. If you are willing to donate your time to this worthy cause, please let us know when pre-registering for the match.

Please note: Parking is extremely limited. Please car-pool if at all possible.

This will be a "no-frills" match with emphasis on fun, safety, and helping the range defend itself against the city. We hope you will join us in supporting this worthy cause!
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