Collapsible Baton training


New member
I'm looking for a website/book/video that goes over techniques with collapsible batons. I'm a LEO and our dept's stick training is almost completely nonexistant. I've been supplementing with an escrima, shortened to the same diminsions as my duty baton, and whacking the heavy bag and focus pads...but something a bit more structured would be nice.

Heck, even a good stickfighting resource would be fine. Perhaps even ideal. :)


Thanks in advance,
I am a formerly certified expandable baton instructor, (certification from Monadnock expired). Anyway, I have several course manuals, and would part with one for the right price.

e-mail me privately if interested.

Marty Hayes
Could someone point me in the right direction on how to get ASP certified?I am a non-LEO who would like to carry legally.
I would personally go with Monadnock. They have a better imho baton. I'm not sure but they used to have a whole team of attorneys to assist if you used their training and equipment and ended up getting sued. Nice thing to have. The training is top notch. I let my cert. expire do to lack of time to teach and our dept. went with asp. The monadnock training was more inclusive than the asp. Might just be that our dept. watered it down. They sometimes do that to save time and injuries.
I've just done some research on Monadnock Batons and I think I would prefer them over the ASP.They're also closer to home since I live in MA.
I just ordered a video called Tactical Baton by Kelly Worden, who has a good reputation as a tactical knife and martial arts trainer. I haven't received it yet, so I have no personal comment. It got a very good review at
It is a two tape set for $59.95. I ordered mine from Paladin Press. It is also available at
I have had excellent experience with both vendors.