Collage Shootings??


New member
There have been a large amount of school shootings in the last several years. Were all of these committed by Kids (10-18)? Have there been any shootings at the college level?

Having recently graduated College I can say for sure that it is much more difficult and stressful than High School was. In College you have to pay a very visible amount of money to earn a grade. In High School anyone can get a C just by showing up for class. In College the Stress level is much higher so why are the shooting at the High School level?

[This message has been edited by Hades (edited August 12, 1999).]
If I were a big believer in psychological reasons for events (which I'm not really) I would say that academic stress (college) brings about different reactions than social stress (high school). A high school student is most likely to blame someone else for his problems, a college student is most likely to blame himself for his own failings. A high school student seems more likely to act violently... a college student is more likely to drink kegs of beer. Personally, I prefer drinking to violence any day :). This is just the weak opinion of someone who got a B- in psychology 101.

Also bear in mind... the shootings probably aren't over yet. I think the powers that be still have a few points left to make. :(

OK, I think I fixed all my idiotic misspellings. I wasn't an einglish major.

[This message has been edited by JJR (edited August 12, 1999).]
Oh, man, I'm really trying not to respond to this. I am trying... D00d! It's COLLEGE, not COLLAGE!!!! :D

Ahem, anyway, if you want stress, try graduate skul. There have been a few cases of grad students beating their advisors' heads in with hammers. Of course, those were justifiable. ;)
Collages make excellent targets.

Webster's definitions of collage:

1. A kind of surrealist art in which bits of flat objects, as neswspaper, cloth, pressed flowers, etc... are pasted together in an incongrous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect.

If you really are a graduate of collage, somebody owes us 99% of us working serfs a rebate on what we were forcibly taxed to pay to subsidize your college education.
I are an Engineer!!

I earned C's in English and A's in Electronics. I payed for School myself and went to a non-state sponsored School.
I agree with JJR, the high school kids are younger and stresses different. Also, it is easier for parents to ramrod a disaffected kid through high school than college, especially since they have to pay for college directly, while high school is "free." The stigma for not finishing high school is worse, too. Off topic, but I wish there were more (legitimate) choices for kids than "one size fits all" education. I've seen too many kids made miserable because they had to follow the single track - none that I knew went postal, but it takes them years to recover from the experience. Sorry, you pressed one of my hot buttons by accident - Anoka
All seriousness aside, I think college students do feel like they're a little more in charge than high school students. Sure, it's stress, but it's also freedom.

I have actually thought about this in the past several months. I was a little depressed my first year of grad school. I was also broke. My major form of entertainment was to borrow my housemate's Super Single-Six, buy $2 worth of ammo, and go target shooting. I never, ever, thought about shooting anybody. Maybe it's different in Japan, but here you can quit college for awhile, and go back later.

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 12, 1999).]
Actually there have been a few cases..

1) The one a few years ago in Canada at the women's college...a non student gunned down a bunch of students

2) As Ewok noted...grad school. The one in Calif..either Berkeley or UCSF...the math PhD student who snapped and killed his advisory committee.

As a side note...grad school is extremely stressfull...even I had "impure" thoughts ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Grad school stressful? Say it isn't soooo!

I was fortunate enough that the Army sent me to a fully funded program...that's the good side...the bad side is that I had just 12 months to complete it, write a thesis and take written stress there.

I worked it off in the gym, running, and shooting at local ranges. Never thought about capping one of the profs or anything like that. Of course, I was 40 years old at the time too.

Why these HS kids? It's so complex...peer pressure, they were "different" (remember that stress?), and (most of the time), their parents were idiots. Just MHO.
Just this winter at Ohio State, we had a guy who had been a student a few quarters before that went on a homicide/robbery spree in the campus area... Killed two people, shot another guy in the knee (who had to drop out of school because of the PT) and robbed several people. While the area around OSU would be described as "less than nice" this really bothered the students in the area because the suspect was a former student.

Of course, he only entered buildings that were unlocked (at like, 4am) so if people weren't so stupid, maybe none of this would ahve happened.
It doesn't happen nearly as often on a college campus, or at least it isn't publisized as much.

One reason could be is that most colleges/universities have full fledge police departments (which are armed). Most school officers aren't allowed to be armed (imagine that). Teh San Franciso school board recently adopted a policy that requires even police officers to take off their weapons before entering a school. I liked the chief's response. He said that he didn't know who was going to respond to calls in the schools because his officers wouldn't be leaving their weapons in their cars.

I work for a campus police department. We have 32,000 students and 16,000 employees. I have been working there since January and have been involved in two weapons situations.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." --Daniel Webster
As a college student and a high school graduate I feel that high school was more stressful than college. In College, I have more time to just screw around, so if the something is bothering me, i'll go shooting or sleep. and if i don't feel like going to class I don't. the only consequence is that I waste my parents money, cuz they've already paid for that time that I should be in class.

In high school its different. At school from 8-3 is the stress is getting to you to bad. don't like the teacher deal with it. miss class, the school calls home.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Another factor I believe is the hormones... Kids in HS don't really have a handle on their feelings at this age. With all of the extra feelings that they are not yet used to.. well it does add more stress. By college most of these feelings have been sorted out or at least ... well you know.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
We had a shooting in college... every tuesday morning .... at the Marine Corps range right off campus. ;) Guess that might be a bit of a difference in living here in Texas. Tech had inter-mural pistol shooting for any student who wanted to pay the activity fee. Talk about your stress relief. ;) We even shot .22 postal matches against several of the other universities in the state.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper