Cold, Flu, or West Nile


How do you train when you're put down due to the above? Right now I either have a nasty cold, the flu (this early?), or the West Nile Virus. Without the aid of nyquile(sp?) I would be down and out, yet I am down and out.

I went out shooting this morning, and didn't do so well. Between the wiping of the nose, the trip to the "back woods", and the watering eyes, I just had a miserable morning. Came home, took some medicine, and now feeling better but "strange".

Now, as I sit here, I'm starting to think about how this affects me. Some background, cough medications affect me more then any other medications, really makes my head spin, get more lethargic, and I really could save a lot of money on alcohol if I just wanted to get "drunk" by taking a dose of medicine.

So of course I don't drive if I take but then it comes around to guns and self preservation if the need arises. Cough medications, when taken, I don't do anything (and I really shouldn't be at the computer right now). It's like an illegal drug, the affects, with me (never taken anything by MJ in my youth, but just using this analogy right now due to what I've read).

So, what does one do or think in such a situation? When I was on steroids for the muscle degeneration (and just came off of, have to wait a couple of months to go back on due to the side effects of) I had the same problem at the beginning but when one has a cold, flu, or maybe West Nile, the use of is something that needs to be done in order to quit wasting boxes of tissue for the nose and to stop feeling so badly.

Do we put aside our protection or do we leave it be if needed and just get over the side effects of the medications?


*I should change my sig to "Who needs MJ, NQ is just as good and cheaper too :rolleyes:
I was going to say that it's a bit early for the "bugs" to be going around, but saw you already said that. West Nile, for some reason nobody can explain, took a nose dive in the number of cases this year (after we vaccinated 200 horses for it... figures $$$ ). But then I saw that you were on steroids, and they can really screw up the immune system. Sure it ain't allergies? Tis the season for it. Anyhow, Benedryl has been my sleeping aid for years (followed by a wine chaser :eek: :D ), but it doesn't seem to do anything but make me sleepy. Still (mostly due to the wine), I don't touch any guns after I take it. Only thing I can think of is to have a trusted friend or family observe you after you take the stuff, and give you an honest opinion on whether or not you seem impaired, and go from there. Hope you're feeling better soon Wayne :) .
It might be "early" for the flu, but I had a mild case over Labor Day w/e. Of course, being a school bus driver, I get exposed sooner than those of you who stay in the comunity during the entire Summer. :D

USP, . . . your physical bouts with the medicines, sounds like myself a few years ago. I made a couple of changes, . . . makes all the difference in the world in my health management now.

First, . . . threw the cold "remedies" out the window. Began taking two 500 mg vitamin C tabs every morning, along with my daily aspirin. A friend of mine and I both do this, . . . we probably have less colds / flu between us in 5 years than most people have in one season.

Second, . . . I use a nasal spray, Afrin, . . . during the few "sniffles" I do get. Works for 8 to 12 hours at a whack, . . . makes life liveable, . . . without the "duhhhhhhh" / head spinning routine.

If I get an actual cold, . . . 5 vitamin c tablets & 2 aspirin, . . . morning and night for about 3 days, . . . end of cold.

May not work for you, . . . has worked wonders for me for the last 10 years or so.

May God bless,
Thanks all.

It's a cold (I work in a place that has from 10 to 40 people in it weeks at a time, so you never know what could be about).

I went to the doc (and forgot to turn off my computer :( ) and they run some tests on the ingrediates of the cough medicine. Seems that my body really acts to the asudifedine(sp) in it.

I was a meth head without knowing what I was (j/k, but it did make me "high"). They gave me a shot of something or the other and I'm good to go.

Now, I'm just tired. Sorry for the posts that I made during. If any are bad or wrong, please delete. And my apologizes.

Yet, I still wonder, when one is under the care of a doc, take over the counter meds, and you end up with such side effects, what does one do or what can they do?

Now, it's bed time, sorry.

If you're taking OTC meds, always mention that to your doctor when you see him for a problem. Some people just have weird reactions to OTC medications and they can sometimes make your condition worse by prolonging the effects of whatever condition you may be experiencing.

Always remember that if you're taking something and things aren't working out quite the way you think it should, consult your doc before continuing that OTC med. Having a sever reaction to something can be VERY dangerous to you and it happens VERY often with simple OTC meds. In case things go really to sit, don't wai to call my work number.. 9-1-1. :)
Yet, I still wonder, when one is under the care of a doc, take over the counter meds, and you end up with such side effects, what does one do or what can they do?
Well, I wouldn't let this experience turn you against medicine. Pseudoephedrine is taken by most people without incident, but, *all* drugs have side effects. The trouble is, each person's genetic code is different, and many times the side effect only appears in patients with a particular modification. These modifications usually are what is known as "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNPs (or "snips" :) ). Each snip is essentially the change of a single coding unit of the DNA chain - they are what makes one person's hair black while another's is blond, for example.

Today, the mapping of side effects of drugs to the particular proteins of concern, and the variants on the underlying genome... very little of that has been done - it will take a long time before there is any significant "coverage" with that information. This is the province of the new discipline of "Pharmacogenomics", which seeks to explore the variation in drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics that is observed in different members of the population. There have been many lab successes, and it is entirely reasonable in theory, but I haven't heard of clinical applications yet, and even when those come out, it will take awhile to gather all that knowledge for as many drugs as they decide to actually study.

That may or may not make you feel any better. But, for example, the doctor can't tell you how you'll respond to a beesting or mosquitoe bite either - there is great patient variability there too, the problem isn't particular to drugs, it's all bioactive substances. Individual people are biologically very similar, but they're not the same - that's the problem.
These modifications usually are what is known as "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNPs (or "snips" ).
So THAT'S what's wrong with me! Rich has been snipping my quotes and altering my DNA!! My gawd, what's that growing out of my head? A third eye??? AHHHHH! :eek: :D :p
Lessons learned (I'm at home still recovering today):

I am allergic to Pseudoephedrine. I wasn't before but it seems that I am now. It seems that the effects of the steroids upon my body changed some sort of chemical response when taking certain medications. Basically, I can't take anything OTC or otherwise without going to the doc first and then taking a dose and then the office staff watching. I've been "high" before on prescription drugs like vicidine and others but this was a lot different.

To answer my own question about being armed, having it near, or just depending on trying to call 911, I think that it would be safer to put aside in the safe your protection for the time being or until you know how you will react.

Now, I didn't expect this to happen, I've taking cold medications before with no side effects; I've taken other OTC drugs before with no side effects. My problem came from being on the other medication for about 6 months (it has a 6 month on, 6 month off, get rechecked, continue another 6 months if needed) and it's only been a couple of months off. I didn't think that I had any left in my system but apparently, the half life (is that the correct term) is the 6 months and that it changed my body chemistry to have adverse affects with other types of medications.

So, this brings up the unknown, of what may happen if one takes a medication (or even eating a food that they had eaten before without any side affects, like peanuts) and then going about your everyday business as you normally would, but then get bad side affects unexpectedly. At the ER I actually had what they called a "manic" episode, which basically means that I was delusional and didn't know what I was doing (there is a period that I don't remember). Luckily, while at the computer (I was on here as a matter of fact), I noticed that my posting, and thought process just wasn't "right". I called the ambulance and went to the ER where they had my chart and knew that I was on steroids earlier and the EMT crew (of which I have called up and thanked this morning) noticed the cough medicine on the coffee table (good eyes and thinking since I was in no condition to state the fact that I had taken it).

They gave me a shot (go figure, it's the same meds that they give to meth heads that have overdosed) and then watched me for about 30/60 min. Then called my mom to pick me up (Put ICE and then the name/contact on your cell phone, another thing that the EMT folks picked up and brought with us, did I say that these folks are good, I can't state that enough). ICE stands for In Case of Emergency and they are actively looking for this code on cell phones now.

While I was on the phone to 911, I put the gun in the safe, which was one of the only thoughts that I was having at the time. Secure gun, get help, that's all I was thinking.

As when I drink or take meds that I know will make me drowsy, and or "not in my right mind" I don't drive, I think that from now on I will just secure the home and lock everything into the safe if I take any type of medications that I don't know the side affects (will be or may be) until I know how it is going to react with my body/system as it is now.

I apologize for the long post, just thought that if we get more and more information out there and what may or could happen, like the "it happened to me" articles in the gun rags, that maybe we can give information to pre-plan maybe future events or reactions.

I was in the ER only for about 90 mins from start to end but I've learned a lifetime of knowledge and I hope that my experiences will help the members here in some way or form.

Well the good thing for me is that I have a high tolerance for alcohol. When I have a bad cold I take a few shots of vodka (Or whatever else I have on hand) and it helps me get to sleep better and I don't cough as much. With the flu, after I puke and crap my guts out I add a bit to the 7-Up i'm drinking. It helps stop the shivering and like above, lets me get to sleep better. Have to be carefull thoug when first starting the 7-Up. Add too much and it's back to the bathroom again. It seems to work just fine for me, you're results may differ.

Gasp, you have a deadly disease and you need intervention, now!
You have a case of toomuchgunabus virii powderburnefoulous. :eek: You must divest yourself of all firearms immedietely. :eek:

PM me for my address where you can UPS your weapons. :D

Best wishes,

(PS... Good move on putting the gun in the safe; it's good to know safety's embedded into you deeply enough that you can remember it when you're 'out of it'...)

Can't do, my Mom (Just hit 65 last month) has first dibs.

I'm not kidding you, when I gave her a copy of my will, she had me change it. No, she was already getting the life insurance, she wanted first dibs on all my guns :eek: .

And she likes my AR and the SKS Sporter. She thinks that they are "cute" :o . Silly old women :D .

Wolfe: Thank you. Doing a lot better today. I used to make fun of my best friend in GA because he has sever(sp) allergies. He also has to go to the doc to find out if he can take a med, even OTC.

I think that I'm being punished for doing so :(. Sadly, to Crosshair, that's about the only thing right now that I have a high tolerance for. And I hate to say it but it may have played a part in all this, I usually throw back a few but didn't because I wasn't feeling well, which could have thrown my normal chemical balance out of line. That is something else that I've been thinking about.

But, I know one thing, I will never be a drug user (except for alcohol and ciggs which I'm seriously thinking about giving up). If I reacted just by taking an OTC (but not for long here in Oregon) and feeling the way that I did, acted the way that I did, there is no way in heck that gun ownership and drugs go together, in my case anyway.

Oh, got my tox report today, I am not on drugs and no drugs were in my system for a period of 6 months (they did an entire blood test on me to find if I was using illegal drugs or what my BAC may have been (.003, natural alcohol that is found in the body). Seems the insurance company needed this because of the drug they gave me. Since it's a known "overdose" drug given to meth heads, my insurance company won't pay for the ER bill if I had been using.

As for safety, that has been drilled in my head starting with my father, then the Military, then the people on the boards. The most important one that I repeat (and I've had dreams about it) is "KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER". And if I do dry-fire drills, I have this habit of checking everything three times. It's always three times, no more, no less. OCD is good for something I guess :D.

We have an outbreak of EEE Eastern Equine encephalitis, it is 90% fatal in horses and 30% in humans and has the same symptoms as the flu, bladder infections and west nile. We have had 5 human cases and one death of a 20yr old girl. Getting to the subject, I usually have 2 handguns loaded and in different tactical positions of the home. I also have a 12ga and if I was unsure of my ability to have a 100% accurate aim I would opt for the 12ga with buckshot. I would also not use a weapon if I was so disoriented that I could not properly assess a situation. I usually try the non drowsy meds first and see how I respond, if I have to use prescriptions I generally ask the doctor for the med that has the least impact. I also have other family members that are proficient with guns and a 100lb no sense of humor dog.
Glad you are feeling better Wayne.

I have the same kind of reaction to that medicine as you, and all that "thera-flu" type powder that you dissolve in hot water and drink like tea. It really makes me feel....weird. All light headed and tingly/numbish, so I just quit ever taking it. I now take a really good 1-a-day multi-vitamin, and my colds and such have been way down over the year or so I have been doing that.