Try a Scotchbrite pad
I've had considerable success using a piece of Scotchbrite sanding/scouring/polishing pad to apply cold bluing with. I first saw this tip on some website a couple years ago, and it works much better than steel wool in my experience.
I've used the white, grey, and the green colored Scotchbrite with equal success. White is the finest grade; green is about a medium grade. Just degrease as usual, then use the SB to apply the bluing. It blends the stuff in real well for some reason. I haven't tried it on case hardened surfaces, but it works great on mild steel and the shotgun and rifle recievers I've tried it on.
Hot Gluing a small piece of the SB to a popsicle stick makes a very handy applicator, and you can rinse it out in water and reuse it many times.
Try this out on the case hardened surface; it may work.
Happy and SAFE Shooting! Joe