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Code to specify image size?

Barnacle Brad

New member
I was looking for a way to scale or resize an image inserted into a post. I wanted to use a facebook picture (my own) but the image size exceeds the bounds of the normal post area. I found bbcode which would change the image size, but apparently it must be enabled at the administrative level.

The code looks like this:

Get the specifics here: Resize Images

Would allowing code like this be valuable to TFL? I believe it would.

Thanks for your consideration.
Yes, that would be a useful feature. However, it doesn't have to be enabled (implying we have it disabled), it has to be added to the existing code. Perhaps tyme, our resident guru, can see if this is doable.
My apologies. I did not mean to imply TFL was preventing members from using forum features. I could have used a words like "implement" or "add code" if I was more familiar with the jargon.

I appreciate your consideration. Thank you.
Perhaps the code could be added to the existing "insert image" code already available? If my thinking is correct it would essentially standardize image sizes - at least until the poster edits the size value...
Although I consider it less than ideal (supporting height and width params for img tags would be ideal), I've added that resize bbcode.


I haven't added an editor icon for point and click usage, though.

Ultimately this and many other limitations of stock vb3 may be solved by a migration to phpbb, which looks like the best long-term option, but any upgrade, to vb4 or 5, or phpbb, or mybb, or something else, will include a major design change that will burden existing members with a learning curve.
Cool! Thanks, tyme.

The embedded code looks like this:



Start spamming every image thread with a PSA detailing how to use [resize] ?

An announcement or sticky thread would be the obvious answer, except those are never read... :(
Awesome possum!

Word of mouth will work to a degree as far as educating users on the new code. I will do my part.

Thanks for the help fellas!