Cocked & Locked

Beretta Boy

New member
I saw someone mention on another post how easy it was to convert a Beretta 92FS to be able to carry it cocked and locked... How is this done? Is it easily reversible? And what are the advantages of carrying cocked and locked?

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I have not looked at the gun enough to see if the conversion could be done. But there are problems if you plan to use it as a defense firearm. If you do have to use it, any, repeat any, alteration of the gun, especially in the safety area, will be considered proof of at least reckless behavior. A DA will use it to claim that you were so heedless of human life that you .... Get the picture? And that is not even counting what will be said in a civil suit.

Even if you don't carry it, if there is an accident with that gun, anywhere, anytime, an altered safety could result in loss of a damage suit. You need also to consider the situation with a future owner or an heir.

I don't recommend any alteration of safety mechanisms, even without the legal aspects.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited December 18, 1999).]
There are two ways you can have your gun ready if you should ever need it...

Cocked and locked: Take safety off, pull trigger

Double action: Pull trigger

I don't know about you but I’d rather only have to worry about pulling the trigger than fumbling with a safety in a tense situation.

And if I was carrying it I wouldn't like to know a hammer is raised and held under springs above something that can take my most favorite body part off, LOL

-Frank the Spank
Skip the steps and get a Taurus PT92. The pre-hammer drop safety versions were tough, reliable and decently accurate.

So many pistols, so little money.
If your packing your DA in SA mode... are you not defeating the purpose of the DA system?
And internal safeties as well...
This is why I wanted to make sure if it was completely reversible... I guess I was just interested in attempting to modify the gun a bit... but still be able to return it to it's original state. I agree with the fact that if I modify the safety, it could have serious legal repercussions, and I agree that the bad would outweigh the good. Thanks for the good advice, very helpful... but is anyone out there REALLY sure it can be done. I am still curious, even though I am doubtful now that I would do it.

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I know this dosen't answer your question, but Beretta does (did?) make a single action version of the 92/96 series. I believe they call it the 92 Combat, or 96 Combat if you prefer the .40. It would alleviate any saftey/legal concerns, and give you an excuse to buy a new gun :) Looked pretty interesting to me.