cobray vs. masterpiece m11's

3 weelin geezer

New member
I am looking for opinions on the quality of a mac 11. I have in mind either a masterpiece arms or a cobray. I have heard that cobrays are about as reliable and jam prone as a intratec scorpion .22. Anyone have any experience with these or know where I may someday try one for rent near Texas?
If you're talking about the full auto version, the SWD M11 is extremely reliable. Whoever told you they are not obviously has little or no experience with one. I currently own three in 9mm. I just sold and transfered the one I had in .380 All were very reliable and despite the fact I had much better subguns, I even used to use my M11 for SMG competitions.
Yes, I am referring to an auto one. I understand these are more affordable than say a mg 42 which is what I really want. However I am unsure if cobray makes a full auto version. Someday I may have one but for now I must pay for my motorcycle.