Cobray .45/.410 Derringers


New member
Like the Emporer in Star Wars, I can already feel the hate, but I have to ask: What do those here think about the Cobray break open derringers in .45 Colt/.410? There are a few models that were made, a single shot, sxs and o/u double barrels, and a combination .22 LR and .45/.410. The models I'm most interested in hearing about are the double barrels.
There was one model, perhaps still made, that looked like a little double barrel shotgun and had long barrels. That might make a good snake gun. I think you will find the quality on them to be abysmal but sometimes they do work.
I have been interested in the long barrel model but have not been able to put my hands on one yet to check it out. I think I know what to expect but would like to have one in the garage for snakes and critters.
I forgot to mention Cobray made a pepperbox design that held 5 .410's or .45 Colt. Not really interested in hearing about those as I can imagine the quality is awful.

Not saying that they're great, but a break action design is very simple and easy to make well, at least, easier in comparison to a pepperbox.
What do those here think about the Cobray break open derringers in .45 Colt/.410? There are a few models that were made, a single shot, sxs and o/u double barrels, and a combination .22 LR and .45/.410. The models I'm most interested in hearing about are the double barrels.

I think a Cobray break open is the perfect firearm for you....
My cool collection of Daniel / Leinad derringers...
save your pennies for a bond arms derringer. used are good bargains but only get new models with upgraded action, look for indented trigger and wider hammer spur.

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I have the single shot .410/45 Colt. If there were gun buy backs in my area, this is one I would turn in. Lock up is dangerously loose, hammer falls if you look at the wrong way. In my opinion this is one for the blast furnace.

The ones i have in the picture are pretty hard to find nowadays except for the single shots that are well under $200. (Not expensive like a Bond Arms Derringer. I paid as much for my Bond Arms plus extra barrel as I did for all the Leniad.) They are all very robust and strong.
For a tackle box gun, the single shot is the way to go.
Some notes...mine has always gone bang. It is not the kind of gun that one takes to the range and dumps a box of shells with. The grip is far from optimal, especially given the cartridge that the gun is chambered for. Both the .45 and the .410 spin quite a bit upon firing. It is definitely a short range within three yards (but that is what derringers are all about in any case). Releasing the safety efficiently requires a bit of practice as the hammer has the be eased a bit for the bar to move....two hands needed on the gun.:)

Just my opinion.
I have a Bond CA Papa Bear in 45 Colt and LOVE it.
But I wouldn't touch one of these pieces of junk with a 10-foot pole.
All of these guns are based on a flare gun frame.
It's pretty amazing the varieties they came up with.
These guns are also sold in kit form-requiring welding the breech to the frame and assembling. I'm going to find one of the kits and build it with the "DeShivs pimping."
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