CO2 pistol to Canadia??


New member
I'm driving up to the northern regions of the US and I'll be going on into Canadia thru the Upper Michigan gates. I know I can't take my guns with me, so I'll be leaving them with a friend on this side.
I'm just wondering if they'll give me any grief if I took a CO2 pistol with me to play with without a bunch of paperwork. Last time I drove up thru Niagra Falls and they searched me ragged (though they were very polite and put everything back) when I told them I had arms AT HOME.
One other thing, do they have any roads going up to Hudson Bay? None of the maps I've found in Dallas show any, and I'd like to go see it.
Any information will be appreciated.
Make sure you've got clean underware on, you can't even take a can of pepper spray in.
The exception are hunting arms and you have register them at the border now.
If you really want to be sure call the Canadian Consulate.
Originally posted by TMoney:
"Last time I drove up thru Niagra Falls and they searched me ragged (though they were very polite and put everything back) when I told them I had arms AT HOME."

Who cares what you have "at home". In any case, it was none of "their" business, why even talk about it.

It has been my experience, re dealings with customs and or immigration officals anywhere that the best thing to say is "hello" followed by "good bye" with as little in between as possible. Saves a whole lot of time and energy that way.
Thanks for the replies. It is a pain, but travel broadens the horizons, so I plan to get broad.

alan, you're right; I try to say 'hi & bye'. I did ask the guard last year what it mattered if I had guns 'at home' and still he hammered. I know he was just following orders, so I don't hold it against him. I told him that I was from Texas and everyone I ever knew had guns at home! They searched, but were very polite, put everything back and didn't open a couple of wrapped gifts I was transporting to a wedding. I told them I trusted my mother and sister not to put explosives or drugs in my car. I'll let you know what happens this time.