co-worker pestered by coyotes


New member
A former coworker of mine is living in Florida. She was walking her little dog in a golf course alone when about three coyotes come out from the trees and start harrassing her. It's starting to get dark outside.

Maybe they're curious, or maybe they want to attack. They kept coming closer and closer, circling around, terrifying her. She picks up a stick and either she clobbers one with it or she threw it at him and hit him (this is told by another coworker) and then she and her dog ran away back to her car. Luckily the coyotes weren't that determined, and they didn't follow.

I wouldn't be wandering around like that by myself without a firearm! The braver these coyotes get, the more likely they'll take a nip out of a person or maul a litle kid.
They probably were just hungery

After all she was walking "dinner" as far as they were concerned.
seriously I have talked with folks who live where these animals live in abundence. Small dogs and cats are taken often and never seen again. There have been instances of childern dissapearing as well. See recent Book on mankillers.
Oddly enough, my wife and I saw a coyote in central NJ for the first time last weekend.

The scoop seems to be that if you make a loud noise and act aggressive, they'll run off. No need to shoot 'em and risk all that goes along with discharging a firearm on a golf course. (Personally, I'd just call Joyce Carol Oates and let her emote the damn thing to death. :D )

Other than that, the same precautions that you'd take with other wildlife apply.

- pdmoderator
Gators take their share of pets right "off the leash" as well.

Don't try walking Fluffy too close to water in areas inhabited by gators. They won't scare as easily as coyotes.

Had a run-in while playing golf in SC on the 13th hole. Big gator in the water trying to look like a log near where my shot landed.
I didn't bother to play that ball.
OC/pepper spray would prolly work much better on coyotes than on bear...

A few whiffs, and they may get the message that humans=bad.
When I bought my house, there was NO small game around... and I mean NONE...

first night in the place, I found out why... the "symphony" of Coyote calls was almost deafening...

then upon arriving home later that week, after dark, I noticed they'd stand in the MOWED part of the yard and look at the headlights and NOT run...

between me and a neighbor, we shot over 30 of them iin the next year...

now - small game is abundant... (step on the deck in the early am, and 10 rabbits come scurrying from underneath...

in Coyote country, ALWAYS be armed... shoot on site, and be happy!
An adult walking a dog gets accosted by coyotes? My first reaction is to doubt the veracity of the story, doesn't sound like coyote behaviour I'm familiar with. But then again, I live out in the wide west and coyotes wouldn't be caught dead in town - especially since it means that is exactly what will happen if they are. I realize that back east coyotes are reinventing thier range by taking over city hunting grounds and living in urban dens. Guess that the list of prey animals is gonna change too, along with the methods of taking it...

Tell her to get a bigger dog, lol!
Coyote Defense:

Acme Institute of Advanced Coyote Defense


Strangely, Wyle E. doesn't seem to go in for firearms too much. Dynamite, rockets, anvils, hell yes...

- pdmoderator

Acme products were anything but the acme of their manufacture. -- Chuck Jones
I do live in an area where coyotes are in abundance and there are two main things that you need to be concerned about with coyotes; and guns are useless against them.
#1) make sure that you are not in an area where a safe can be dropped on you such as an overhanging cliff. If a safe is dropped on you, putting up an umbrella for protection is usually ineffective.
#2) make sure that you are not standing in front of a rock face where a picture of a tunnel could be drawn. Normally, after the tunnel picture is drawn, you will be immediately run over by a train.
Coyotes can prove dangerous in other ways too numerous to mention. See the latest ACME catalog for ideas of the what threats await you.
Tell your co-worker to get & use some OC spray.

No need to go shooting off multiple rounds (multiple coyotes) off in a public place at some dogs. That's just asking for trouble.

Plus I have a lot more reservations about killing a hungry/curious animal than I do a BG. I wouldn't want to resort to shooting unless they're obviously rabid or somthing.

I saw a documentary on Polar bears where this guy who was doing it lived up in Alaska at some place that was known for polar bear activity, he refused to take a gun??? but he did have some OC spray. One of the bears, what he describe as the largest male he'd seen up there got a little too close for comfort and he sprayed it. Sent the 1000lb+ bear RUNNING for the ocean. So I'm sure it would work wonders on a little coyote. And it would more than likely satisfy any curiosity they might have in the future.
Like Yorec, I too am from "out west" and felt lucky to get within 100 yards of a coyote. I scoffed at them a few years ago when a suburban police department brought some special officers out to our range to get tuned up with a .410 shotgun and a scoped tranquilizer-dart rifle. I laughed and made the comment "You guys are not going to be able to get close enough to take coyotes with THOSE THINGS!".

But, I was wrong. Many of the coyotes have become so "city-fied" that they boldly go on the prowl for "Fluffy" in broad daylight. I understand that one of the officers has been allowed to use a "real varmit gun" (.22 Hornet I think) in some areas on the fringes, but they have taken coyotes with the .410 (3 to 5 pellets of buckshot) and dart gun as well ...

Many surburbanites may (reluctantly) recognize that humans taking over vast amounts of the predators' habitat limits their options. What most suburbanites do not know though, is the impact that CATS (BOTH house and feral) have on the small wildlife population. Cats, also being natural-born hunters, can wreck havoc on nature's balance of small animals. This is sometimes first recognized (or intentionally NOT recognized) by a dramatic reduction or disappearance of song birds.

"Fluffy" of course will also prey on mice, lizzards, small rabbits, etc. - many of the same critters that Mr. & Mrs. Coyote USED TO HAVE in more abundance for themselves and their offspring. So ... when faced with such massive reductions in their habitat (technical definition: the arragement of food, cover, water and space), what can we expect a "survivor" like the coyote to eat??? Except FluffY !!! :rolleyes:
I've always wished that Wiley E. Coyote would nab that stupid roadrunner, just to shut that "Beep Beep" up. :p

I've never seen a coyote here in TN, but when I lived in Columbia, TN I could hear them howl so close by I swore they were right outside the window.

Speaking of human encroachment, I think it's in northern Kali where pumas are starting to gobble up joggers?
I thought joggers wore Pumas, not the other way around. I'm a New Balance kind of guy. They keep their grip on the treadmill as I am straining to view the young & nubile in the gym mirrors.

No experience with coyotes or mountain lions as we clever Northerns killed our predators off. I am told that there are coyotes out where Hayzeus left his sandals around here, but have never seen them (but they don't let me leave the concrete much).

Yesterday I asked my secretary (farm girl from the county north of me) and she said that her husband baits them and shoots them with .222. She has a hat made of a couple of "black coyotes".:confused: She had never seen a live coyote up close as they live in fear of humans where she is.

The size they are I would imagine a pistol up close would be fine. I am uncertain of the impact on OC on animals, may only make them madder? I'd call my buddy in vet science at Purdue but he's out in the hairy-chested West. I'll let you know when he returns.
I've believe seen coyotes in East TN. As stated above, they are getting bolder and bolder, adapting to city/suburban life.

Pepper spray is a good initial line of defense against them, if you have a spray that can reach out several yards. But remember that they are quicker than humans, so the 21 feet in 1.5 seconds rule is out the window. If they even act aggressive, douse them. If they advance prior to or after dousing, terminate them.
I've believe seen coyotes in East TN. As stated above, they are getting bolder and bolder, adapting to city/suburban life.

Great...wild dogs listening to smooth jazz and driving SUVs? ;) They haven't gone that far, not even down in ritzy Bel Air...
Only two things come to mind when wild coyotes act like that:

1) Starvation
2) Rabies

I think it is safe to assume that they were not rabid, as rabid animals have expugned all natural fear and nothing is a challenge.

They see the bigger foe as a bigger target, not a bigger threat. They come at you regardless of your size.

And they never, ever give up. The virus gnawing at their brain compels them to commit themselves entirely to the mission of transmission; the plan being to spread the disease as widely and quickly as possibly, even at the expense of the host.

Fear, you see, would only be a hindrance to that goal, and thus has no place in the diabolical scheme.

Instead, they were probably sizing up your a desperate meal...before they backed off.

I would suggest she carry a Snickers bar with her at all times---you know: just in case. Or maybe a voucher for a free meal for three at Denny's? :D