CO student suspended for 10 days for wooden drill rifles

What drugs are those school ( using very, very, very , very ,very loosely )administrators on anyway ?
Following the letter of the law

I recall this as a legal term "following the letter of the law violating the spirit of the law"
I believe that applies here. maybe someone witha better understanding could respond?
Another classic case of Political Correctness taken to the extreme. Common sense is clearly in a steep decline in far too many areas of our country.
Common sense go longer exist in this once great country....we are going down hill fast.

It was only '95 when I took my senior pic on school grounds with my father's Colt 1911. We also built AK's from parts kits in metal shop using receivers we'd built there.
In 1995 I carried a pair of katana around campus, all day. They were real, they were very sharp, and they were for a precisely choreographed sword duel I had worked out with a classmate.

Just smiled and waived at the principal, teachers and security guards.

The world is officially nuts. As far as I'm concerned, public schools no longer exist. My kids won't be attending.
Common sense is clearly in a steep decline in far too many areas of our country.

Well said.... Because it looks like a gun, we are expelling people now.... Those school officals should be removed from their position.
wow when i was in elementary school, during halloween, my dad dressed me up as a hunter with an orange hunting vest on, hat and the whole 9 yards. I also had a fake shotgun made of metal and no one said a word. This is going back to the early 90's but come on
Our ROTC (class of '03) had REAL rifles, old 1903's with the barrels filled. We operated the bolts and dry fired them too!

And these Cadets get busted for wooden stocks with tape??? I hope the ROTC's District Army Instructor sure as hell gets involved and sets them all straight. :mad::mad:
This is an example of zero tolerance policies gone amok. You may be interested to know that in general zero tolerance polices with draconian policies have not been successful according to the lit reviews.

So nailing the kid who gives another an aspirin or cases like this are so counterproductive.
Anyone have a link to what Federal and state laws the administrative officals are talking about?

All I can say is I think I should file for retirement right now...
I am not a legal expert,but here is a thought.
That drill rifle has never been a firearm.It is a prop for a legitimate activity.ROTC
I know inside the public schools I have seen prop frearms used in drama/plays.
It seems like if a prop can be used in a play,but not in drill team,some violation of 14th ammendment,equal protection?

Oh,and starter pistols for track? You see,exceptions are made,even though they say "no exceptions"