CO shooters members of anarchist group?


I'm an open minded guy but that site is rather shocking. Meth and MDMA recipies on-line. Rather shocking. I don't know what to think...I'll have to ponder this...Interesting lurker DC
Yeah, and one can see how this drivel would appeal to those punks.

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 21, 1999).]
DC--Do you or anyone else know the URL of the perp's Web site? I had heard repeated references to their site last night. I would imagine that the server it is running on is about to melt down.

Regarding the overthrow site--I'm all for freedon of information and the press, but this is a bit much. I frequently struggle with my personal belief that this info should not be regulated to protect us from ourselves (smacks of "thought crime"). However, as a society we are producing so many people that don't take personal responsibility for their actions or seem to understand right from wrong (partially reiterating DC other post)that you don't want to put the bomb recipie in the hands of the irresponsible. All this is very difficult to get a handle on.
No, here is the e-mail I was sent:

"DC, since u got the political stuff I'd like to give you a link.

It's about those shooters in CO
I can't post as I'm not a member."

No I don't but I'll try to find it...I did notice on the news when they showed a screen shot of the page that these guys had a chat room on WBS (or WBC)....a chatroom community.

I agree with you...I find it ironic that there are laws against 18 yr olds from seeing naked pictures and proof of age required, but this type of site is freely accessible. Now I'm not saying lets tromp on the 1st, but since ISPs are private businesses, they can determine what is allowable on their equipment. Check the rules for your they state no pornography but nothing about this stuff.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I just heard on CNN that the "Trenchcoat Mafia" considered hitler a god. It seems the date they chose was not random. They said they chose it because it was hitler's birthday. Not keeping up on things like this, I checked the EB and they are right. Damnation.
Here is something my daughter scrounged up, for what it's worth.

member Name: eric harris
Location: littlton colorado; specially the library and cafeteria at the high school
Birthdate: hitlers
Sex: male
Marital status: too geeky and gay to be married
Hobbies: chasing football players and playing reservoir dogs in the library
Computers:mommy's and daddy's do you think a geek like me could afford one?
Occupation: slacker queen in a trenchcoat; wanna see my blue boy collection?
Personal Quote: happiness is a warm gun and some pipe bombs at the next showand tell

IMHO: That is one sick puppy!

My wife found another profile.
Member name: ERIC HARRIS
Location: Littleton, CO USA
Birthdate: BC
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: professional doom and doom2, creator. meeting beautiful females, being cool.
Compputer: pentium 75, 8 meg of RAM, soon will be better......
Occupation: part-time worker at a fireworks stand in CO, and DOOMING the hell out of my computet(playing doom, a lot :)
Personal Quote: when in doubt, pull it out.(computers)----Shut up and shoot it.----Quit whining, it's just a flesh wound----Kill Em AALLLL!!!!

Both of the above profiles are attributed to Eric Harris. I copied them down exactly as they printed out on my computer. Notice how different they are. Anyway, for what it's worth, there they are.

The first profile had the screen name (E harrisss) The second profile had the screen name (Rebldomakr) I couldn't raise anything on the latter name; haven't tried the first.
I can't guarantee the accuracy of these profiles. They were passed on to me.

Haven't found anything on the other guy yet.

Paul B.

Mike: If you read the site, it implies that these kids were a "cell" unit of the UAP (Utopian Anarchist Party). The site basically verifies that they were members, and dressed in the "uniform" which consists of a red beret and black pants. It further states that they don't see anything wrong with what the two murderers did, and actually feel sorry for the murderers, only wishing that they had attacked a Police station instead.
The UAP site gives Police Officers' home addresses, and is encouraging radio stations to play a "Goth" rock song about a Goth girl who goes to school and shoots all the "Jocks".
Try this link if you want to read what these people think of the murderers:

Mendocino: Dateline last night showed exerpts from the website that the murderers ran (their own personal website on AOL I believe, NOT the same as the UAP site), and showed them giving threats of events on Hitler's birthday. People in the chat room said that the two had said they were going to do something big on that day.

Dateline said that a few minutes after they downloaded the information, that the site was taken offline. Who, what or why the site was immediatly deleted, no one knows.

Gee - I was looking for a Militia to join!

My heck - Who are these people? Did you guys read some of that stuff? Judas Priest! If this stuff was on the web before this happened - Where was the FBI? Oh, monitoring TFL... I forgot. WE are the dangerous ones - but those guys are just miss understood... Can't infringe 1st amendment!

Thaddeus: Thanks for the link info...I logged onto the site address DC provided and couldn't find any mention of this incident specifically...finally got sick of reading about fearless leader Bill White and the rest of his UAP geeks. At my age, it's not good to get too worked up...bad for the BP you know.
So, exactly what pedigree of scum were these two? Homicidal homosexual anarchist white supremacist goths? Can't see all these elements working together.

Don't know how much we should trust the fringe websites. So, the two goons may have had an online acquaintance other rejects. Now, if the dead duo recieved assistance with their preparations...that is a different story.

Another news story claims one of the dynamic duo had a BMW. Could it be that the two were spoiled whittle babies? Was their rampage intended to be a standoff or a suicide mission?
The UAP site has changed since yesterday -- someone's done a quick edit by the look of it. I was there yesterday and thought this might happen, so I pasted into my scrapbook what I consider to be one of the more horrifying of the "rants" that were there.

For more anarchist news and information, contact:

Utopian Anarchist Party
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
"They Shot All The White Hats"
Preppy Bastards Die In Colorado

April 20, 1999

Littleton, Colorado -- At least twenty five preppie bastards are dead today after two youth lived out the gothic fantasy of killing
the outside world. Youths tossings pipe bombs and shooting pig preppie bastards stormed Columbine High School, shooting
more than forty disgustingly good American citizens.

"They shot all the white hats," one student was quoted as saying on television.

Anarchists holding a school shooting party in Gaithersburg, Maryland, broke out in laughter at the comment as the Homegrown song "She's Anti-", a song about a young girl who comes to school and massacres preppies, blared in the background.

"Huh-huh. It's kinda funny I guess" one of the revelers told ANS, "If I were ever really ****ed up, I'd do it too."

Anarchists have said its better for revolutionary youth to target police than fellow students, but stated that they understood the anger that motivated the attack.
Sick bastards!!!
Sorry, the damn computer did it again .... (OK, OK, I did it!!) and posted the same article twice.


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited April 21, 1999).]
Post this URL all over local tv networks email addresses, national networks etc etc.

give them another scapegoat, we are doing this on forum.

Everyone that has seen this site knows how sick the contents are.