CNN's latest propaganda


Staff Alumnus
So the Commie Nooz Network is saying that an efficient predictor of workplace violence is if someone there is interested in or owns firearms.

WELL. Guess that means that my workplace is an abbatoir waiting to happen. My boss and I discussed the relative merits of the SKS and AK-47 for about a half hour last week. One of my users is a C&R FFL who just got his M1 back from Fulton Armory. Another is a devotee of Jeff Cooper. Yet another is a shotgunner who gave his wife a Mossberg 500 20-ga for her birthday. One of the Unix admins used to work at a shooting range before she got into computers. The sysadmin for another group carries an Officer's ACP. And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my pointy li'l head.

My GOD, this must be the most dangerous workplace in the world!

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I would feel pretty safe working there myself.

They're just shaping public opinion, Coinneach. If the commies don't do it, who will the public look to to do their thinking for them? ;)
"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 03, 1999).]
It's usually not the Alpha Geek you gotta watch, but the one that wants to be the Alpha Geek. Stay safe & keep your anti- virus .dat files current , M2
Yikes! I'd better go hide the Highpower Rifle competition calendar that I've got thumbtacked to my office wall. And whoa, Nellie... if they take a peek at my bookmark list I am *really* boned!

Seriously, I'm fortunate enough to work with a group of people who are more conservative than average. One of the guys here buys military surplus stuff like crazy, there's an M-16 bayonet sitting on his desk right now (his letter opener). Another one is a newly-inducted NRA/GOA member who is collecting semi-auto rifles and handguns just as fast as he can. Yesterday he called me to come give my opinion of a new acquisition (Springfield M1A). His dad works here too and - get this - he has a glass-front gun cabinet full of antique Winchester lever guns in his office. I impressed him one day by glancing over at the rifle *standing in his coat rack* and said "Oooo, a Schmidt-Rubin!" He was surprised I could identify it.

If one of those workplace shooters tries anything in this building, he'd be blasted from at least ten different individuals' offices. Sort of like the "bank robbery" scene at
Sorry, Jeff, but I'm already trying to hook up another TFLer :). Maybe after the MCI/Sprint merger goes through...

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I just met my former boss (from five years ago) at the range...he was there teaching three friends to shoot pistol! Personally, I'd rather have my co-workers armed and competent...just in case my rat's ass needs saving.
Yesterday on TV there was some female "expert" on workplace violence, giving advice on how to survive a workplace gunman, to use their word. The emphasis was on RUNNING and HIDING - run up a back stairwell, hide under your desk, anything to get out of the shooter's line of sight. Actually not bad advice in general. But her parting advice was by all means, DON'T try to be a hero and resist the VTA.

NOOOO, that would be the height of stupidity, to defend yourself. If you have a weapon that measures up, why on earth wouldn't you give yourself a better chance, assuming you can't run? Yeah, I know, preaching to the choir, but my point is, where do such "experts" come from? Most experts in surviving shootouts that I know, such as cops and security officers, would recommend a host of weapons at all times - guns, knives, OC spray, asp, etc. They don't train exclusively on the best way to break in your running sneakers, run and jump over obstacles to get away, etc. I'd like to see the credentials of that show's expert, and find out how many shootings she's survived personally.
Apparently the investigative reporter failed to consider the population of military personnel, past, present (& future) in this country...
Not bad advice, running and hiding. AKA moving behind concealment and cover. She left out "covering approaches with a sidearm, unless a shoulder arm or heavier weapons are available".