CNN's anti-military message.


New member
Sorry ole' CNN. They can claim every day of the week that they aren't anti-military, but when you tune in during the Unknown-Soldier ceremonies, as I am right this moment, CNN and Headline news are absent, with Fox news carrying the flag. Instead CNN carried it a few minutes, then switched to where Wolfe Blitzer is right this sorry minute spewing anti-military garbage - I am serious. He is showing his true colors, as usual, while the unknown dead soldiers of our country are being honored. If I said what I am thinking about CNN and Wolfe, this post would be deleted in seconds. :barf:
...while the unknown dead soldiers of our country are being honored

by the Five-Time Deferred VP who was "too busy with other things at the time" when his number was called.
The whole political football game is disgraceful.
Supporting the troops is about giving them a job they can do and the tools to carry it out. It's about never placing them in harm's way unless there's a dire need and no other way to avert the threat. Most importantly, it's about never breaking faith with them by placing your own political considerations above their welfare (which I'd argue both parties have done).
We as a society failed them by recklessly pushing them into war without exhausting the alternatives, not properly discussing the ramifications, and not giving them the numbers and equipment to go in,succeed, and come home.
Instead we sit here and bicker in the typical partisan fashion while they get their faces blown off by unseen enemies.

If the Republicans truly supported the troops and truly wanted to win this war, they would reinvade with overwhelming force and clamp down on the insurrection so we can get our troops out of there. None have pledged to.
If the Democrats truly supported the troops and truly wanted to end this war, they would bring our boys home in the first month. None have pledged to.

Both sides are content to limp along the same tired path, treating the sacrafices made by our fighting men and women as a cost of doing business. It's callous and revolting.

CNN and VP Cheney can both kiss this war vet's backside.
I'm a VET! Never had to duck and cover! Did what I did the best I could and was able to put it behind me. I have two sons in the Army now and I fear for there well being.

They need to let the military do what they have been trained to do! What 's this crap of pressing wrongful death and other charges on them for doing there job!

How About the poor National Guard!!!!!! They get there support from the State. They come home all chewed up and what do they receive? NOT! Most are lucky to receive continued medical support. :eek:

As soon as the Gaurd in called to active duty, they should be supported as a regular troop.
..while the unknown dead soldiers of our country are being honored
by the Five-Time Deferred VP who was "too busy with other things at the time" when his number was called.

Oh, yes, he did (get his deferments). His last one was in '66, which just happens to be about the same time Wolf started his 6 year stint in college,. How many deferrals do you think he got in 6 years - 5 maybe? Maybe 6? Maybe he would have gone on for his doctorates and a few more deferrals in '73 if the draft hadn't ended then; we'll never know, will we. But that is OK that you don't want to criticize CNN. That is the way both sides of politics are these days. Don't say anything good about the country while "they" are in charge. The voters might take it wrong. So don't let it get you down about taking up for CNN; I know you can't help it.:barf:
How About the poor National Guard!!!!!! They get there support from the State. They come home all chewed up and what do they receive? NOT! Most are lucky to receive continued medical support.

As soon as the Gaurd in called to active duty, they should be supported as a regular troop.

As soon as they are federalized, they ARE supported as regular troops. And their medical support is continued if they are injured.

I was a Reservist, not Guard, but it's pretty much the same. After I was wounded, I was maintained on Active Duty for almost 3 years until my medical care was complete. At that time I was medically retired and my status is no different from any other medical retiree, Active, Reserve, or Guard.
Oldironman, I hear your cynicism and I'm right there with you. I would be hard pressed to defend any one of them (the ineffective press that allowed us to become as screwed as we are). I served from 1967 to 1971. I didn't have to be asked twice.