CNN vote - How are you affected by JFK Jr.


Latest CNN quick vote is:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
How much does the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. affect you emotionally?
A: Not as much as the death of my uncle late last night :(. Maybe I should've been more affected by JFKjr's death as my uncle did not receive as much media coverage.
where is teddy kennedy and a rally against planes. how ironic that (how many years ago was it?) it seemed liked only yesterday a volkswagon plunged into the water with another kennedy and mary jo koepekne.
as stated above neither family or friends recieved this much coverage from the media, in their time of passing.
just give thanks they weren't shot to death

I feel sympathy for his family and his wife's family. Its too bad, the boy had "promise"....but bottom line, he walked into it with both eyes open...he chose his action, and he chose wrong. Darwin is always around to cash the bet.

As for "America's Royal Family"....there ain't royalty in America, and no matter how hard they try, there won't be...get used to it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Don't give thanks just yet. I wouldn't be surprised if they fond what might appear to be a bullet hole in the wreckage. The way things have been going for us lately, I can just see the Libs trying to blame it on some hunter or something.

(This is being said sarcastically, of course.)
HCI has announced that their investigation has proven the reason JFK Jr. crashed in the ocean was because there were two handguns being stored on Martha's Vineyard. Spokesperson Ima Idiote stated; "If there had not been those handguns Mr. Kennedy would have landed without trouble. The mere fact that those vile instruments of death existed was the cause of the terrible accident."

All tongue in cheek, but don't bet on them trying to blame firearms.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 19, 1999).]
JJR, sorry to here about your uncle. my condolenses, to you and your family.

as far as JFK jr? not much effect on me, although i thought he was probably the best of the bunch. shame it wasn't his uncle teddy!!!!

what me worry?
JJR, please accept my sympaties on your loss.

As far as JFK, jr goes, it's too bad, of course, but BFD.

What I have found offense is the excessive, boring, banal news saturation. It amazes me how the media twits romaticize all this crap, the Kennedy need to 'push the envelope' and 'risk taking', when if it had been another person they would be harping on the basic stupidity of a person who has been flying for barely a year, in a plane they weren't real familiar with, for flying at night. I'm with you DC, my bets are on Darwin. M2
Sometimes the best laid conspirital plans take years to fulfill. Sabotage was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the breaking news.
JFK's death affected me not at all, except to lift a load off my shoulders. Just one less Kennedy to someday infect the atmosphere by running for office. It has already been reported that he was thinking of running for N.Y. senator if Hillary decided not to run.
I was disappointed, frankly.

First I heard of Our Great Loss was when I strolled into the clubhouse at the trap range Saturday morning. Saw somber-faced talking heads on the toob, and asked Howard who'd died.

"John Junior."

"Oh. Damn," sez I.


"I was hoping it was someone a little higher up."

"Oh. You scared me there, Fitz. You ready to shoot?"

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
I hate to sound callous, but this really didn't affect me at all. I think the greater loss is the loss of the two Bessette sisters. From all reports they were very bright and both had good futures ahead of them.

I was more perturbed that ABC had preempted the British Open for hours and hours of showing the same old tapes of CG helos and boats making the same fruitless searchs. Fortunately ESPN took up the slack for the Open.
JJR, my condolences on the loss of your uncle.

Regarding JFK Jr., there is no difference in my paycheck, my duties and obligations, or my property taxes. Now, if we had a "Kennedy" day as a paid holiday, that would cast a different light on the perspective.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Coinneach, that was more or less my reaction. Bummer for the family, but no real impact on my life, except confirming Darwin's theories.

jimc, as a Volkswagen owner, I'll have to submit that it was actually an Oldsmobile.

Bumper sticker seen last month: "Ted Kennedy's car killed more people than my guns!"

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
The only way this has affected me is my irritation at how few people can pronounce "Massachusetts" correctly.

mass-a-cho-sets, notice the t, or tax-a-cho-sets. Some people from Massachusetts are called Mass-holes, mostly by people who live in New Hampshire.
What news? It's more like a sounding board for the kennedy admiration society. Dan Rather in tears? Either cheap publicity, or it reinforces his namby pamby liberal a--hole disgrace to Texas image. I kinda think these liberal newsies keep showing this stuff b/c they're afraid they'll lose brownie points with other left wing douche (is this French word inappropriate?) bags. The guy didn't even do anything significant (does taking the bar exam three times count?), for crying out loud.