CNN School shooting survey reported


New member
That was a very bold thing for CNN to do. CNN just reported that there survey came out to be that 60% of the people think the blame should fall on the guns. After hearing this I checked there poll and 16% 1641 votes say Access to guns are to blame. That was a bold lie.

The liberazi school of debate strikes again - if we say it, it's true.

Bastards are not reflecting public opinion, but trying to shape it.
Are you 100% certain that they were referring to THAT particular pole?

I'm not saying that I completely trust CNN, but it seems easier to believe that they were referring to a different pole than than that they would make a stupid lie. If they are smart enough to manipulate information, seem slike they would be smart enough to change the numbers on the BACK END and have the report reflect whatever numbers they show on the site.
Go ahead and write them and explain that you caught them in a lie... and that they should make a correction.

Hank. Something I noticed on the polls. Theone that resulted in backing up the anti-gunners was a "scientific" poll accurate to within 4%. The pro-gun poll was not considered accurate to any %. What unmitigated B*LLSH*T!
Paul B.

Did you notice the questions? Do you blame guns, parents, school etc? The one question that was missing is Do you blame the killers? Interesting.

Its easy and without merely define your "accuracy standards"....i.e select your polling members. Actually what I find most offensive is the term "scientific". I am a scientist and their polls are by no means scientific. They may be "statistically" accurate....and that is determined by one of a multitude of pre-defined standards...but it ain't science ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Having done a fair share of market research in my career as well as being fairly knowledgable in survey processing software, I can tell you that it's all in how you ask the questions. Someone who knows experimental design and survey construction can build a survey to 'prove' any point you want proven, and if the explicit intent is missed, you can always weave in enough inuendo to inflame the emotions (e.g. have you stopped beating your wife?) a la HCI, VPC, or the DNC.

OTOH, if the 'news' media was actually interested in doing legitimate research and finding real answers, they would use surveys done by real sociologists/psychologists presented to a statistically valid sample properly analyized and subject to peer review. But that takes time, planning, forethought and integrity, so they instead use a bunch of half-assed questions thrown together by 'enquiring minds' and present it as 'fact', which they then hype to get the emotional impact necessary to sell papers/magazines/air time. Since no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence (or attention span) of the American public, it seems to work just fine.

Since the sheeple neither think or question, this sorta explains why/how Rosie, Sally Jesse, Jenny, Geraldo, Springer and the rest can get paid too much money to provide public displays of ignorance and worse (interesting aside, if you 'analyze' who sponsors those shows, you can conclude that most of the audience is overweight, litigeous and believes in the paranormal {psychic friends) - see how easy it is to do a 'survey'!?!)

Sorry to be ranting at the choir, it's been a rough week and I'm ready for the weekend. Everybody have a nice one, maybe do some mindless acts of kindness for family & friends.

Best regards, M2
Well, sixteen percent sort of sounds like sixty percent; a little error. (I wonder if the ballot counters make the same sort of mistakes.)
Here is the response I got from CNN after I emailed them regarding this issue:

Thank you for contacting CNN Interactive with your input concerning the
Colorado School Shooting.

CNN Interactive invites you to voice your opinion on this topic on our
Colorado School Shooting message board located at or in our chat room at

Thanks again for your interest and keep your browser pointed to


The CNN Interactive Community Staff

Notice they avoided the issue? Typical. Maybe it was a canned response, maybe not. Still - I find this distastefull.

Rob, sorry it took me a while to respond. But yes, it was one of those in between shorts. But they said something like "on a recent CNN website poll 60% of people that voted, felt that easy access to guns was to blame."
