CNN says the cops got the killer

Jason Demond

New member
I just heard the news Cnn says that they caught the killer that killed them little childern in Las Vegas! Thats all I know at this moment

GRANADA HILLS, Calif., Aug. 11 — Buford Oneal Furrow, a member of Northwest neo-Nazi groups suspected of a shooting rampage at a Jewish community center near Los Angeles, surrendered to the FBI in Las Vegas early Wednesday. A source told the Associated Press that the 37-year-old Washington-state man said he intended the attack to serve as “a wake-up call to America to kill Jews.”

As the other victims recover from their wounds, a 5-year-old boy, the most seriously injured victim, fights for his life, NBC's Dan Lothian reports

FURROW WALKED into the FBI office Wednesday morning and said, “You’re looking for me, I killed the kids in Los Angeles,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press.
The source said Furrow had wrongly assumed he had killed some children in the Tuesday morning shooting at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in the Granada Hills neighborhood near Los Angeles, which left three children and two adults wounded.
Sources told NBC’s Los Angeles affiliate KNBC that Furrow arrived in Las Vegas after an $800 cab ride from Los Angeles.
Los Angeles police scheduled a 1:30 p.m. ET news conference to discuss the surrender.
Earlier, investigators fanned out across California and Washington, searching for Furrow, who had been linked to a red van found near the crime scene that was packed with thousands of rounds of ammunition, flak vests, body armor and survivalist and neo-Nazi literature.

Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which maintains a database on hate groups, said Wednesday that the group has a file on Furrow and a 1995 photo showing him wearing a Nazi uniform at the Aryan Nations compound in Idaho.

The Seattle Times also reported that Furrow was an “avowed racist” who was a member of the Aryan Nations, a virulently racist and anti-Semitic group. Both the Times and the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported that he had been married to the widow of Robert Mathews, founder of the neo-Nazi group The Order.
The Times also said Furrow attempted to commit himself to a Kirkland, Wash., psychiatric institution in November, but was later convicted of assault with a deadly weapon after pulling a knife on staff members. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that he was released on probation May 21.

KING-TV in Seattle reported that Furrow, who grew up in Lacey, Wash., and later lived in Lynnwood and Olympia, also is considered a possible suspect in a recent ammunition theft from Ft. Lewis, an Army base near Tacoma.
FBI agents late Tuesday visited the home of Furrow’s parents near Olympia, the state capital, on Tuesday after interviewing neighbors Janet and Tim Tyrolt, Janet Tyrolt said. She said she recognized Furrow from his mug shot on the television news.
“He looked like a normal person,” she told the Post-Intelligencer. “It’s bizarre and scary. It’s hitting close to home.”

The Seattle Times and Spokesman-Review of Spokane both reported that Furrow had a relationship with Debbie Matthews, widow of Order founder Robert Matthews.
The newspapers reported that the couple had been married, but the Times said they did not obtain a marriage license because they did not believe in the laws of the land. The Spokane newspaper quoted Metaline Falls, Wash., town marshal Rick Reiber as saying he understood they had been married around 1996 and later split up.
A neighbor of the couple in Metaline Falls told the Seattle Times that Furrow seemed “pretty nice.”
“But then again, I knew that his beliefs were way out of line,” 82-year-old Meda VanDyke told the newspaper. “They were good neighbors, but, well, I got blue eyes, so I guess that helps.”

The Order, which formed in northeastern Washington, was responsible for the killing of radio talk-show host Alan Berg in Denver, as well as numerous robberies and armored-car stickups that netted more than $4 million. The group was demolished by an FBI sweep in late 1984, an assault in which Order leader Robert Mathews died when his hideout caught fire during a shootout with federal agents on Whidbey Island in Washington state.
After Robert Mathews’ death, 22 Order members were convicted or pleaded guilty after being indicted on racketeering charges.

All of Los Angeles was put on tactical alert Tuesday while officers searched first the Granada Hills neighborhood where the shooting occurred and later, the 7-Star Suites Hotel in nearby Chatsworth, to no avail.
Authorities said the gunman walked into the lobby of the North Valley Jewish Community Center in the San Fernando Valley neighborhood and sprayed about 20 to 30 rounds of gunfire throughout the lobby using a 9 mm semiautomatic Uzi.
He said the gunman then went down a hallway and “sprayed” it before fleeing. The gunman fired about 70 rounds in all, police said.
Police Sgt. John Pasquariello said the first call about the shooting was received at 10:49 a.m. When officials from the Fire Department arrived, they came across an injured adult and child. Police arrived moments later and found three other victims with gunshot wounds; one required air evacuation.
About two dozen members of a SWAT team in flak jackets and armed with rifles conducted an extensive search of the area but did not find the gunman.
Police said a woman was forced from her car at gunpoint shortly after the shooting just a few miles from the shooting scene. They said the car-jacking suspect, who generally fit the description of the gunman, got out of a van and forced the screaming woman out of her green Toyota Corolla. He warned her “don’t scream” and let her run away.

Officers searched the van, which had Washington state plates, and found a large amount of ammunition, bulletproof vests and devices that may be smoke grenades, but no weapons, said Kalish. Contents of the van included metal boxes packed with ammunition, magazines for an assault rifle, a booklet titled “Ranger Handbook” and freeze-dried food.
Numerous Seattle-area news organizations reported that Furrow bought the van in Tacoma, Wash., a week before the shooting.
Police later surrounded the hotel in Chatsworth where the carjacked Toyota was found, but did not find Furrow.

The most seriously injured victim was a 5-year-old boy who was shot in the stomach and leg and lost 30 percent of his blood. He was reported in critical but stable condition early Wednesday after six hours of surgery and his prognosis for recovery was fair, said surgeon Clarence Sutton Jr. at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center.
“He had a great desire to live and we supported that effort,” Sutton said.
Two 6-year-old boys and a 16-year-old girl were in stable condition at hospitals. Center receptionist Isabelle Shalometh, 68, was released from a hospital Tuesday night.
A teacher who spoke to The Associated Press condition of anonymity said the injured receptionist burst into her room with a wounded arm. The teacher said she gathered up her students, who joined hands and fled the building.
About two dozen children were in the center when the gunman opened fire and about 20 small children were led unhurt from the building hand in hand by police officers and taken to a Jewish temple nearby. Older students, who normally would have been at the community center, were on a field trip at the Museum of Tolerance.
Parents rushed to the center and jammed against police lines trying to find out if their children were all right. Some parents wept and hugged one another. One man was handcuffed by officers after slipping under yellow police tape, but he was later released. Authorities used a fire department loudspeaker to announce the whereabouts of children.
“I wanted to cry when I saw him,” said Karen Macofsky, who was reunited with her 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter. “But I held back and just hugged him tightly.”

“It’s just unbelievable that these people would target children,” Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in West Los Angeles told reporters.

“We live in tragic times. There’s no more cold war. And thank God there are no more world wars. But there seems to be a war for the souls of our citizens” in America.
Hier said the “program director” with the children’s center “is in my office right now. And she’s just beside herself. Those were her children.”
At the White House, President Bill Clinton offered his thoughts and prayers to the victims and called on the nation to intensify its resolve to make the country a safer place to live.
“This is another senseless act of gun violence,” he said.
Vice President Al Gore offered Mayor Riordan federal assistance in capturing the gunman and California Gov. Gray Davis said he was forming a task force of state agencies to advise churches, child care centers and other operations that care for children on how to upgrade their security systems. Davis also put up a $50,000 reward for information leading to the suspect’s capture.
Tuesday’s shooting was the latest in a series of shootings in the United States that have aroused widespread concern in recent weeks. The latest occurred last Thursday in Pelham, Ala., where a gunman shot dead three people at two businesses.

[This message has been edited by Kimber Man (edited August 11, 1999).]
Along the lines of conspiracy:

Let's watch what happens to this man.

I'm a little wary of a guy who loaded a van with thousands of rounds of various calibres, flack jackets, "hate" literature, bombs, etc. and then wounds only 5, leaves the van to take a $800 cab ride to Vegas, only to turn himself in.

What will the courts do, and who is wagging the dog here?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 11, 1999).]
Like I said in another post:

This guy is the poster child for failed Liberal policy. He is the classic example of someone who should have been watched like a hawk....but no, thats too hard, its easier to intimidate law-abiding gunowners with more draconian rules.

Typical liberalism..can't really do anything, but in order to make the appearance of being in control, they screw over everyone.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I found an article on the site listed. I'm not sure when this was place on the net, but it sure seems to me to be a coldly calculated act, so I shot them the following reply

Once again the liberal press refuses to see the logical link between "gun violence" and restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.

On the very day, perhaps even during the very hour that your article "California's Example" is on your website, a man with serious violent intent has assaulted children. This was accomplished in a state where it is illegal to import (bring into) the state the very weapon he used!

Why didn't this law prevent this from happening? That is what the California legislature and govenor have said laws of this kind would accomplish. Yet, here we have someone, armed with a gun, purchased in another state, transported across state lines and imported illegally into the state of California, committing such a terrible act.

Of course, the liberal politicians and the media will claim "Because the law was ineffective we need more restrictions on ownership of firearms by law-abiding citizens ... That will fix it". I'm here to tell you it won't. Judging from this persons history, he shouldn't have been even allowed near a gun, yet he had more than one at his disposal.

The real problem isn't the gun, it's the person behind the gun. If this person is somehow stopped from continuing his actions, abruptly, the message would go out. This type of action will not be tolerated. Had once teacher at Columbine, one employee in Atlanta, or the receptionist in this most recent event had a gun at thier disposal, these people would have been stopped before their murderous spree got out of hand.

To combat the real cause of this problem, we should be addressing the education of people so that Americans once again understand that there are things that are right and there are things that are wrong. For far too long we have been teaching our children that the means justifies the ends, that there really isn't a right or wrong, it's whatever "works for you." Well it isn't whatever works for you, it must work for the society as a whole, and sometimes that means something is simply wrong.

I forgot to mention that he crossed two "Shall issue" CCW states, to get to the only one on the coast without, in an area notorious for refusing to issue. not to be cruel but, They're going to tell me there aren't any Jewish Childrens Centers in Washington State or Oregon? I think not.

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 12, 1999).]

I think you are correct....

He goes 1200+ miles, with his weapons, to a place where people are rendered defenseless by law and picks out the particular group he hates and goes to killing.

NRA at fault? My ass...its Feinstein, Perata, Boxer and Gray Davis who are the co-conspirators in this crime

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Also, to belabor the obvious, it sounds like he was a convicted felon (violent, no less). So, now we can have a list of 10 or 20 crimes this bozo committed, but ... we still need just a few more laws.

You're right ... the gun control advocates, those jackasses we see on TV almost gleeful for another 'example', bear significant responsibility for helping to create this situation. It is very hard to keep debating this subject in a civil manner when I consider the ignorance, outright lies and self-serving media manipulation by the anti-self defense lobby.
Just about in the middle of Kimber Man's second post it says, "The group was demolished by an FBI sweep in late 1984, an assault in which Order leader Robert Mathews died when his hideout caught fire during a shootout with federal agents..."

Does that ring a bell with anyone?
The kicker is that the NEWS said he was using an AR15. They went on to explain that this firearm had been banned and how the evil manufacturers got around the law by removing the bayonet lug and flash suppressor.
I can see it now. Perp goes back to mental hospital because they made a mistake and we get the end of the stick that was stirred around in the mess!
Hank L
I don;t understand these shooters. Most of America is too ignorant to understand that he can't shoot all this ammo through an Uzi, but why the heck did he have .223 ammo and 7.62 ammo? He also had multiple flak vests. How many ballistic vests can you wear at one time?
Another shooting recently was similar in that the person had a .22 and a .25 caliber pistol. That shooter had 200 rounds of .45 in a bag and everyone was raving about how much ammo he had "He had an arsenal!".
What is going on here that these people are showing up with tons of ammo for guns that they don't even have, and then it gets plastered up that they have an "arsenal" in their car? I does't make any sense, but it sure scares people that know nothing about guns.

I have to agree also: why did he drive PAST and through all the States that have Shall Issue CCW, to one that renders it's people defensless? Was he, perhaps. afraid that he would run into a person with a legally concealed gun? I would bet that from now on there are a lot of concealed guns carried at Jewish centers. The Israelis don't mess around with this crap, and I would bet that the Jews here don't either. I suspect that the next person that tries to shoot up a Jewish center will be quickly dispatched by people there carrying concealed guns, legally or not.
Thad, I watched the news again tonight! Any new folks here should be warned about me and the news. The News is pushing the theory that this coward was not treated fairly by the system! He slipped through the cracks etc..
NBC New at 18:00 hrs cdt 8/12/99. He may come to justice yet because there is bound to be a capital murder code about a non postal worker murdering an even part time postal worker in cold blood! It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. "Good lawyer "?" might say he brought those 7.62x39 rounds as fishing weights and the extra flack jackets for his imaginary friends!
Ever Amazed, Hank