CNN pro 2A broadcast


New member
I was surfing youtube and found this video. It is a CNN broadcast by Lou Dobbs in favor of 2A rights. I was quite surprised to see this come from CNN. While I don't think you can trust much information coming from the boob tube, every once in a while you get some solid information from a surprising source.

So what do you think? Will this small snippet of a story from a notoriously liberal media source influence the people who watch and trust CNN?

We can only hope so. If they let it on the air, they probably have some kind of ulterior motive. Otherwise it'll probably be downplayed, ignored, refutted or they'll spread rumors he was drunk.
How many other cable news organizations are actually talking about the RKBA?

I haven't seen Fox or MSNBC talking about it. It's pretty smart for CNN to put a pro 2A broadcast on as it will certainly attract gun owners who might otherwise watch a competitor.
FOx has done a few on it lately, but MSNBC has done nothing positive for us that I have seen.
I am kinda surprised to see CNN doing it. You gotta admit though, gun sales have gone absolutley nuts, and so have prices.
Lou Dobbs happens to be on the tube whenever I come home from work...I've seen at least 3 or 4 broadcasts over the past few months from him about the RKBA. Kinda refreshing.
Lou Dobbs is CNN's token centrist/Libertarian. I like the guy a lot.

You beat me to it. The leftists that "trusts" CNN aren't going to be converted by anything he says. They probably don't even watch his program anyway.
CNN is just throwing the rest of us a bone so they can claim they're not completely biased.

Southern Poverty Law Center has put him on their hit list as his own "hate group" and being anti-immigrant for his reporting on the illegal problem along the border.