CNN Poll Gun Law

Even more meaningless than most online polls ... by just refreshing you can vote as often as you want.

Go ahead and vote on it ... a coupla' times ... though it may not matter.

Given the negligible amount of money flowing into the Brady campaign probably about the only thing Sarah can afford to do is sit and click repeatedly on "yes."
"I wouldn't go that far, but they don't exactly have a large base."

And the reason is simple--very few of the Brady Bunch are passionate about gun-hating. They may drop into an anti-gun web site once, but they don't stick with it. Compare that to us, as shown by example in the very poll that gave rise to this thread. Many of us (maybe even most) come here at least daily, on our rounds of all the shooting web sites. When someone points out a poll, we not only check it out, we HAMMER it, and get the word out to other forums. The gun haters *never* seem to get up enough gumption to do things like that. The CNN poll was lopsided anti-gun when it started; it is virtually even now, and I'll lay odds that by the end of the day it will show strongly pro-gun.

Which is NOT to say we should underestimate or ignore the gun haters...

This is not a scientific poll

This is a Ted Turner, and company thing. You will never know what the out come is!

5128 responses, 52% say "no". Sarah isn't clicking fast enough.

And Brady collected almost nothing in donations...or is reporting almost nothing for 2007 for their PAC. What they got and what they report may not tie out, there are few sanctions and fewer reviewers looking for that kind of misconduct.

If you can't trust them with the truth, dunno why I would trust their numbers...where do the "fabrications" and "good stories" end is always the question chronic liars face.
Here is the one to watch! He is as bad as the rest.

A man I know was working a fence line one day. Mr Turner was on the other side of the fence. He asked my friend, " What to hell you doing out here" My freind answered, Working the fence. Mr Turner states "Your Trespassing, son, you need to get out of here" My freind points out to Mr Turner, No Sir Your Trespassing, your fence line ended about a mile behind you!

Yep, Money Makes Brains!:D