CNN Poll -- Do the media favor one political party over another?


New member
We haven't had a poll for a while, so . . .

Gee, I'll have to think a while on this one :)

It's a couple of scrolls down, under "Quick Vote".

Currently it's 62% biased in favor of Dems, 8% in favor of Repubs (what planet do these people live on?)
The 13% (when I voted) that voted that the Republicans are shown more favortism are probably die hard liberals. That when ever any Republican agenda is shown it's way too much, and favortism is occuring.
63% believe the press favors Democrats. Well, you could knock me over with a spent primer!
Yesterday, Rush was playing soundbites from all the TV talk shows since the Cheney announcement. There must have been at least fifty utterances of the word "gravitas" from these talking heads. Biased? Couldn't be.

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