CNN: Glen Beck vs. Anderson Cooper

Garand Illusion

New member
Has anyone been checking out Glen Beck recently? He's been fiercely pro gun, even promoting the ultimately non-politically correct idea (politically incorrect, even though it could save the lives of children) of teachers carrying guns on campus.

Great stuff.

Then Anderson Cooper on 360 has been doing a little hit piece on guns in Philadelphia, particularly the preemption law. My favorite one in the "keeping them honest" portion was how they shows statistics of shooting and etc. and then without context ran the title of how many more people have concealed carry permits than did before the laws changed. Never made any connection between concealed carry permit holders and crimes, but threw it out there as though it was one sign of why problems are so bad.

And of course ... he didn't get an articulate person to argue for the pre-emption law, or at least edited out his articulat replies.
Don't get to excited everyone, these bozos still work for CNN and it is just shock jock talk for ratings. They will eventually settle back into a typical libtard rhetoric.

Be wary of those bearing gifts of gold, the knife is in the other hand behind their back.

Don't get to excited everyone, these bozos still work for CNN and it is just shock jock talk for ratings. They will eventually settle back into a typical libtard rhetoric.
You obviously don't know much about Glenn Beck. He was not a "Libtard" before he went to CNN.
regardless, CNN owns him now. They may let him get one out every now and then, but he is bought and paid for. In 6 months he'll be talking about whatever is news at the time. If he was truly committed to our rights that would be all he would talk about. Only when it is a storyline and spotlight do any of these tv commentators pretend to care.

I have no faith at all in the media, and because of so I pretty much do not have any faith in those that work for said media companies with liberal agendas.

They are only playing the conservative cards to try and win viewers back, not educate them.

I have yet seen any of them come up with a real fact based campaign for personal responsibility for one's security thru CCW or personal investing so that one will be financially and forcefully secure. They only point out what is wrong with everything like they have all the common sense in the world. But instead of offering a solution, they switch to another topic when they have beaten the current one to death.

It is rather bothersome that he doesn't go after Guiliani, Romney, and McCain for their ridiculously horrible records on 2A rights.
regardless, CNN owns him now.

Oh, right. I guess he must have drank the Koolaid in the Green room eh?:rolleyes:

Ever listen to his radio show on Clear Channel, same network as that other Koolaid drinker, Rush Limbaugh?
Yep, I listen to Rush every now and then. I don't hear him really saving us either. Pointing out stupidity of government without solutions, and definitely not taking a stand on the 2nd amendment. In fact, in a lot of ways he sounds like Glen Beck, notice a pattern here?

Their programs are so similar the same folks must all be pulling the strings.

I'm may be wrong but I'm thinking, save Sergeant Bob, nobody on this thread has really listened to Glenn Beck for longer than 5 minutes. Listen to him for an entire 3 hour show, read his magazine, watch his hour long CNN show and you'll find a very refreshing voice for freedom.

CNN owns the rights to his television show - and yeah, they know he's conservative and they use him to hopefully draw in more conservative viewers but they don't set his agenda.
Yep, I listen to Rush every now and then. I don't hear him really saving us either. Pointing out stupidity of government without solutions, and definitely not taking a stand on the 2nd amendment. In fact, in a lot of ways he sounds like Glen Beck, notice a pattern here?

Their programs are so similar the same folks must all be pulling the strings.

I have yet seen any of them come up with a real fact based campaign for personal responsibility for one's security thru CCW or personal investing so that one will be financially and forcefully secure. They only point out what is wrong with everything like they have all the common sense in the world. But instead of offering a solution, they switch to another topic when they have beaten the current one to death.

Let's see if I understand your comments -- Because these media personalities don't spend at least "x%" of their air-time brow beating the public about 2A rights they are just empty suits controlled by the LibMedia establishment.

Well.. that's crap.

First realize that there really are topics more important than 2A rights that need to be discussed. Also understand that probably 75% of the population is not going to tune in for a show totally devoted to gun issues once a week. Come to grips with the term ratings and what it means in terms of revenue for these shows and their producers.

Your "fact-based campaign" will take a lot of time to develop and refine to appeal to a broad audience, especially the fence sitters. Then you'll find, at best, you get 15-20 minutes on air and probably only 10 minutes if you share it with the host. Folks like Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. have a broad-based appeal and the 2A issue is a narrow subset of the audience. Not everyone is passionate about it.

Sadly, a "fact-based" campaign is doomed to fail in the media market unless you can use those facts within the context of an emotional appeal. Those are facts of life in the media market.

It's probably more effective to create a campaign of "sound bites" that can be passed along to shows for a 3-5 minute commentary. These are especially useful for fill-ins just before or after a "station break" for advertising and as leadins to other guests.
CNN does NOT own Glen Beck. They employ him, just like they employ Lou Dobbs. If CNN management was unhappy with the work performance of either of these two fine men, they would fire them.
