CNN Fake News

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I watched on television today as Wayne Lapierre went over a CNN news piece which occurred in 2003. You can see that piece here in this video:

CNN had put together a rifle demonstration comparing "banned" rifles vs legal rifles. They showed the banned rifle firing through armored vests and cinder blocks. The legal rifle, fired right after the banned rifle, could not get through the vest or the cinder blocks. It was a purposeful demonstration created by CNN to demonstrate the banned rifles were far more destructive than the legal rifles. The truth is that both rifles could do equal damage to both the vest and the cinder blocks.

Wayne Lapierre called out the obviously bogus news piece as he describes here:

Another excellent example of fake news is the New York Times piece on the Tesla where a reporter deliberately tried to get the Tesla stuck as you can read here:

Its amazing the falsehoods the media is ready to spread at any given moment. I am happy that Wayne Lapierre is very aware and knowledgeable of this news environment. This news environment seems to have a desire to publish negative stories about firearms and Im happy that Wayne Lapierre called CNN out.
"Investigative journalists" have been making stuff up for a long time.
Remember the "unintended acceleration" claims against Audi, 30 years ago?
It could have put them out of business, and it was nothing but a hoax.
No question that fake news, well.....exaggerates for their own agenda. Sort of like gun makers who post ads implying how their rifles will equate into taking a huge racked deer.
When the truth won't work into your agenda you lie. Really nothing new but I admit I love watching the media squirm when they are caught in a lie.

The average person out there is not gun savvy making them an easy target for media lies and false information about guns. The problem is most people are not bright enough to question what the media tells them. All of this is really nothing new and has gone on for decades and not just with guns.

Way back in January or February of '93 NBC rigged a GM Pick Up Truck to explode in flame based on a claim the gas tanks were unsafe. They setup and filmed a staged crash and sure enough the truck exploded into flames. Problem was running the tape slow revealed the truck gas tank blowing up a split second before impact. They rigged the tank with explosive squibs. They got caught and simply, like a child, said 'we're sorry".

The media has played the bullet game for decades. What exactly is a "cop killer" bullet? Yeah yeah followed by the garbage about bullets that penetrate body armor. Generally the same drivel over and over again believed by idiots who do not research what they hear.

Additionally think about 2003 and what was going on politically? Bill Clinton's "Assault Weapon Ban" was about to expire under the sunset clause. The anti-gun lobby was looking to extend it and doing whatever needed to continue it. The fact is when Clinton instituted the ban he knew damn well it would fail. Take a look at crime committed with so called assault weapons. Less than 1.0% of gun crime at the time involved so called assault weapons. Even an idiot should have known the ban would have little to no effect on crime. Clinton, like Obama, backed by the media were among some of the very best liars going.

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I respectfully disagree. I believe gun maker ads communicate the message that the advertised firearm will enable/help the owner in the effort to take a trophy - not that it will "equate" or assure or guarantee the owner will take a trophy. After all, there are more firearms than trophy racked deer in the US and hunters know that!

EDIT: I am addressing Post No. 5.
At the very least they could have been a bit less obvious in the 2003 news piece. You have to laugh after watching it. The legalized rifle wouldnt be able to shoot through anything??? I wonder how they got that Sheriff in on this?

There are the weak minded who will be convinced or tempted to believe the legalized rifles are different than the "banned" models...
How have people become so incredibly gullible?

The reality is that most people, even many people who support the Second Amendment, no longer own guns. So, the level of knowledge about firearms performance and/or regulations is much lower than it may have been in the past. Of course we all know that even within the firearms community there is a lot of misinformation, so maybe we need to stop tossing stones and find a way to better educate the general public. maybe we need to stop tossing stones and find a way to better educate the general public.

I agree we need to find ways to educate people. Still, the fact that a major news outlet felt they could air something like that and people would swallow it is alarming. No stone-throwing, just an observation.
Well it is the Clinton News Network, what do you expect?
If you do:eek:

I'm what most folks consider a Moderate Independent. I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC along with BBC and CBC news. The most honest are BBC and CBC, while the American stations all lie thru their teeth and blatantly twist the news to reflect their political views. One is no more guilty or innocent than the other. Anyone claiming anything different is either deaf/dumb/blind or only gets one channel.

Whoops, almost forgot the :eek:
My observation had less to do with the media than it does with the audience. No, I'm not surprised by what liberal media will say or do to push an agenda. The problem is that they know people will simply take their word for it... even when it's as blatantly fraudulent as the material in the above videos.
Among a less easily persuaded audience, any news media that made such ridiculous claims would quickly be labeled as...well... "fake news" and be relegated to the tabloid rack at the front of the checkout line at the grocery store...right next to the snickers bars and chewing gum...
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The deficiencies of the press are many and varied, but this is a firearms forum. This thread is more about the politics of the news media than it is about firearms, so... closed.
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