CNN debate transcript wrong. Accident ?


New member
Looking for the "hunters, sprtsmen, rifles" quote, I found this:

GORE: I want to work for universal free school, because we know from all the studies that the youngsters learn -- kids learn more in the first few years of life than anywhere else.

Now I was watching, and listening, and that's NOT what he said. He said Universal PRE-SCHOOL, not "free school".

Now, I for one am against universal pre-school, which means the state (federal) will mandate that I have to put my 3-year old in daycare, even if I have a stay at home caregiver. This is where it's heading folks - they want your kids sooner & sooner, so you have no chance to impart any of your values to them before they do.

But, stated the way CNN had it, who could be against universal FREE school ?

Accidental typo ?

You decide.
This is also why the elite left is so against
school vouchers, they dont want your or the
"common man" kids in private school because
they need to control the minds of children
in order to live in the society they want,
public schools for the most part has killed
common sense in America. At this point only
home schooling or private schools can turn
this around.
One area where the transcript was not wrong.

Gore refers to his Good friend Mel Carnahan and his son RANDY, as he gives a tribute to the dead MO governor.

The only problem... Carnahan's son was named ROGER.
For the real transcripts go to

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.