CNN DC Handgun Ban Poll


New member
See the poll regarding the DC handgun ban on the CNN main page. It is running 64% saying that the ban violated the 2nd amendment. This pretty much breaks down with general polling on the issue.

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It appears that only 64% of the nation who has internet access and has replied possesses 6th grade reading comprehension skills.
Remember the CNN Factor...

Easy Musketeer...Remember, the CNN audience/readership would tend to be very left-leaning, and opposed to gun ownership. I wouldn't have even seen this poll if it had not been posted here on the FL. Most people that would tend to support the 2nd Amendment are not a part of CNN's typical crowd.

So, the fact that 64% of the CNN respondents have voted against the DC handgun ban is very telling. A larger cross-section of Internet users would likely boost that percentage significantly higher (IMO)...
104,733 votes so far. The affiliated article cites a real opinion research poll (one that we can't fix) that says,

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey of Americans in December showed 65 percent believe the Constitution guarantees each person the right to own a gun, while 31 percent said no.

Anti-gunners outnumbered more than 2 to 1? Pass the Jameson, Jack, Johnny, and Jim.

Don't drink and shoot.
I'm not quite so optimistic about the "2:1." Sure, they think you can own a gun. As long as it's not a handgun or automatic or semi-automatic or high-capacity or .50 caliber or black or pistol gripped or shrouded or... BB guns are guns, afterall, and everyone should be able to own one of those.