article on NYC searches


I am getting more and more P.O.'d about this situation with the unreasonable, warrantless searches.

For one thing, this article states that the NYPD has been considering implementing these searches for three years -- and of course, conveniently, something happened (albeit in another nation) that gives them the excuse to now foist it upon a formerly free people.

For another, I am noticing that NONE OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA CARRIES ANY COMMENT FROM ANYONE WHO DEPLORES THIS TRAMPLING OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. The only people who say anything negative about it are the ACLU/NYCLU types, who we expect to pay lip service to the fact that this is wrong; and occasionally some idiot commuter is quoted as saying NOT THAT IT'S AN ACT OF OPPRESSION, but that "WAAAHHH, IT'LL INCONVENIENCE US WHEN WE'RE IN A RUSH TO GET SOMEWHERE!"

THAT'S what concerns these morons. NOT the fact that their rights are being trampled, but that the police might slow you down in your travels a bit, and make you late for an appointment.

SURELY there are SOME New Yorkers who are intelligent enough to see this as we do -- as an unjustified abuse of our rights as protected by the Constitution... but they are not being quoted in any of the stories by major news outlets. I freakin' wonder why. :mad:

Have you noticed this as well?

I grew up in NYC, moved to NJ a few years ago, and still work in NJ and commute by subway. I say all that to say I have some perspective.

The searches in entering the subway are nothing but a feel-good measure, a way of saying "Look, we're doing something to keep you people safe." After 9/11 there was a lot of criticism of the city agencies (as well as state and federal) that they didn't "do enough" to prevent the attacks.

I personally haven't been searched yet, nor do I know anyone who has, nor have I seen evidence at any station I pass thru that there are cops there searching anyone. Would I submit to a search? Honestly, I don't know. I don't like the idea of being searched or refused entry to the subway I need to get to work or home. I truly have nothing to hide in my backpack, but that's not the point. Carrying a backpack shouldn't be probable cause.

Someone committed to getting into the subway to detonate a backpack full of explosives WILL get in. Once they have their weapon and their orders there's not a thing you can do to prevent it. If NYPD tries to search him he'll refuse, leave, and go in via another entrance. If the person is a lone nutcase you're never gonna stop him. If he's part of a larger organization you stop the organization, you don't win wars by killing foot soldiers, you win them by removing the support that allows those foot soldiers to operate effectively, you aim at the chain of command and the supply line.

As for why the people of NYC put up with it and the media hasn't been up-in-arms over it, most people in NYC are sheep. I worked with a girl (early-to-mid 20's) who wouldn't ride the subway after 9/11 because her "mother wouldn't let her". Lots of people here believe that 9/11 was basically our fault (and when they mention the Crusades I know they have no historical knowledge since the US was amazingly under-represented in the Crusades).

I for one refuse to live in fear. Every morning when I go to work I know I might not make it home, lots of folks on 9/11 didn't. I make sure I kiss my wife and tell her I love her and pet my cats (and no, I don't have any kids). Like Shakespeare said, a man can die but once, we all owe God a death and he who dies this year is quit for the next.
I guess it's not surprising. Even on this forum we have people beating the government's drum and supporting this stuff. :barf:
Gutten Tag her Oberst.
Papers bitte.

Seig Heil!

This is the proper way to do it now start practicing.

Besides if you want to avoid being searched, wear your muslem headdress, or a chador and just keep the bomb under there.

The PC police have been instructed not to search anyone who is obviously a middle eastern member of the people of peace club.