CNN background checks and Bud's Gun Shop


New member
I tried to email the following to Bud's but for some reason I couldn't get the email to work. So I'm posting it here. Does anybody think Bud's should object to the CNN usage? (They don't mention Bud's by name and their use of Bud's web site screen shot is brief.)

I believe this CNN report on background checks uses a screen shot of YOUR web site saying people can essentially avoid a background check by purchasing guns from "a stranger online." Now you and I both know Bud's Guns follows the law on selling firearms. It's my opinion CNN should NOT have used a screen shot of your web site.

The full CNN quote is:
"If a criminal cannot buy a gun in a store, they can just try to get one from a neighbor, or a local gun collector, or even a stranger on line." and when they say "stranger online" that's where they flash a screen shot of your web site.

The CNN report is here and the Bud's image comes near the end at about the 1:40 mark:
So Background Checks are flawed, and one of the big reasons is the FBI is too busy to do a good job, and the current "best solution" is to require checks on ALL gun transfers.
Yup, sounds like a quality solution there to me. Yup........
Had an argument with a good friends wife. HUGE anti gun, pro confiscation, fill in the blank. She was big on "gun show loopholes", etc.

Anyhoo, the more I tried to explain to her how things REALLY worked and how CNN et al were lying, she just got angrier. Even told her I could still buy a full auto firearm, they weren't illegal, just taxed. Of course she just got all cranked up.

SOoo, in an effort to prove myself, I told her I would bet any amount of money she felt comfortable with, starting with $1,000. I asked her to attend a gun show with me and we'd walk hand in hand and try to buy a gun with no paperwork. If it worked, I would pay her twice what was wagered and she kept that money. If it failed, she would pay me the price of the fire arm. I even offered to put a full auto firearm on the line. She backed off and unfriended me.

I miss her.
Hell I’d take that bet. I could totally find a face to face transaction at a local gun show. :). I know what you were getting at that all dealers must run a NICS check etc. but at least in this state face to face between residents is totally legal assuming you don’t believe the buyer is prohibited in any way.
face to face is legal in my state as well. She was convinced anybody could walk into any gun show and buy whatever you wanted just by asking, no NICS check and walk out with it. There are still tables in my state selling personal firearms, but she lives 700 miles away so it wouldn't have happened anyway.
2wheelwander …..I would bet any amount of money she felt comfortable with, starting with $1,000. I asked her to attend a gun show with me and we'd walk hand in hand and try to buy a gun with no paperwork. If it worked, I would pay her twice what was wagered and she kept that money. If it failed, she would pay me the price of the fire arm. I even offered to put a full auto firearm on the line. She backed off and unfriended me.
In the majority of states a background check or "paperwork" is not required when buying from another nonlicensee. Hand over $$$, leave with gun.

So, if you ever move to Texas I'm first in line for you to take me to a gun show.:D
Had an argument with a good friends wife. HUGE anti gun, pro confiscation, fill in the blank. She was big on "gun show loopholes", etc.
He would have quit being my friend the day he married her. The info you gave her was almost as flawed as her views.
She was convinced anybody could walk into any gun show and buy whatever you wanted just by asking, no NICS check and walk out with it. There are still tables in my state selling personal firearms, but she lives 700 miles away so it wouldn't have happened anyway

She is convinced because it is convenient to be blissful in her ignorance. I will not argue with these people...and, for the most part, I won't have anything to do with them...friend, family or whatever. If they are too stupid to educate themselves, I have no business spending my time on them. Same goes for most democrat voters.
She is convinced because it is convenient to be blissful in her ignorance. I will not argue with these people...and, for the most part, I won't have anything to do with them...friend, family or whatever. If they are too stupid to educate themselves, I have no business spending my time on them. Same goes for most democrat voters.

I understand your thought process, but I would caution that a difference in opinion on a few political subjects does not am enemy make. That's one reason why our nation is so divided right now. Instead of looking for common ground where it can be found, we are too worried about highlighting our differences. We're at the point where we shutdown the other side by declaring them communists or fascist Nazis. Plenty of liberals and conservatives love our country and have no secret agenda to undermine it. They just disagree on how to govern it.
I understand your thought process, but I would caution that a difference in opinion on a few political subjects does not am enemy make. That's one reason why our nation is so divided right now. Instead of looking for common ground where it can be found, we are too worried about highlighting our differences. We're at the point where we shutdown the other side by declaring them communists or fascist Nazis. Plenty of liberals and conservatives love our country and have no secret agenda to undermine it. They just disagree on how to govern it.
Well said.
I have friends that do not agree with me on the topic of "gun control". That's fine. What I have trouble with is the folk that continue to lie about gun topics even after they've been shown to be wrong. They continue to do this to support their agenda. I can't really trust folk that do this.

Some specifics I've heard from the folk on the gun control side.

"Today we have the weakest gun laws EVER in the United States."

"A hundred years ago we had "child proof" guns but we don't have them today because gun manufacturers produce guns with "hair triggers" and they do this to make more money and they don't care about child safety.

"We need to take away a person's guns because they pose a danger to themselves (suicide) and others but we can leave them loose with full access to black market guns, gasoline, pressure cookers, rope, tall buildings and VEHICLES---INCLUDEING "ASSAULT" PICKUP TRUCKS AND VANS!!!, the bold italic are my own bias showing up.
...She was convinced anybody could walk into any gun show and buy whatever you wanted just by asking, no NICS check and walk out with it...
In 1950, except for full auto weapons, this was true. Before 1934, you could even do it with full autos. I would've loved to have been able to walk into my local hardware store, hand over $250 and walk out with a 1928A1 Thompson, no questions asked.
I have removed some off topic posts and some particularly offensive posts arguing for political and cultural values that are not welcome here. I also removed responses to that post as a reader doesn't have to engage such ridiculous off topic nonsense.

If you go off topic to espouse such, you will be infracted.
SOoo, in an effort to prove myself, I told her I would bet any amount of money she felt comfortable with, starting with $1,000. I asked her to attend a gun show with me and we'd walk hand in hand and try to buy a gun with no paperwork. If it worked, I would pay her twice what was wagered and she kept that money. If it failed, she would pay me the price of the fire arm. I even offered to put a full auto firearm on the line. She backed off and unfriended me.

In what state? In MI I want in on this. I can buy a rifle from a "personal collection" with no legal requirement for paperwork and, at least in the past, multiple "personal collectors" willing to sell me virtually any long gun I wanted to buy without so much as an ID let alone a paper trail.

She is convinced because it is convenient to be blissful in her ignorance

In consideration of the above this amuses me greatly.
SOoo, in an effort to prove myself, I told her I would bet any amount of money she felt comfortable with, starting with $1,000. I asked her to attend a gun show with me and we'd walk hand in hand and try to buy a gun with no paperwork. If it worked, I would pay her twice what was wagered and she kept that money.

At the TX gun show this past weekend, there was a large table that said Estate Sale. No paperwork. On the other hand it was full of expensive, high end German handguns.

We used to have folks walking around with two or three handguns in their belts at every show, saying no paperwork. Management shut them down for obvious reasons.

The loophole is misunderstood by many who say it means you can easily buy all guns at a show with no check. That's incorrect.

The more sophisticated opponent to the gun shows says that they provide an easy location for private sales, some of which could be suspect. There were folks who would wait outside the show and see someone coming along with a gun and try to buy it. Some locales thus declared the gun show was an attractive nuisance and closed them in city facilities or harassed them on that ground.
Not that it will go anywhere, but there were some in NH who were pushing to close the "loophole" by using a term related to advertising - ie private sales OK, but not via an organized method like gun shows or online posts.

Even here with handguns today, you are not supposed to sell them to someone you do not know well personally unless they have a pistol permit... Could easily be applied to long guns too.

Not that I'm in favor of either but either of those solutions solves the perceived problem without requiring NIC's for all private sales. The solutions being pushed go above and beyond "gun shows" and "online sales" so obviously the intent (what's going on federally and being pushed today) is further reaching.