CNBC Republican Debate Oct. 9th


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The CNBC Republican Debate Oct. 9th will be the first with Fred Thompson since he announced his candidacy. We will finally be able to do a compare and contrast between Fred and the other Republicans. With about 3 months still until the primary season begins hopefully this will be the first of many debate that has all the Republican candidates in attendance before January. Fred has high poll number but little political name recognition. This debate will be an opportunity to expand his popularity as more people become aware of him politically. His message of Federalism and Unity resonate where it is heard. Let's see if he can convey that message at the debate.
Mitt and Rudy went at it a bit over the line item veto

Paul made an odd statement that the US has never faced an attack in 240 years

Thompson was the only one that had a position on the Social Security time bomb. And Chis Mathews attempt to trip him up with who the leader of Canada was fell short with Thompson answering in 1 second flat.

Speaking of Canada, Rudy had a funny line about Hillary care, he said it presented a problem to our strongest trade partner (Canada not China BTW) in that if it was implemented that Canadians would no longer have a place to go for their health care.

McCain was the surprise if there was one. He did well and may be gaining some momentum.

Given that this debate was focused on business issues it was a bit dry. It was interesting that they debated who would reduce taxes better while Democrats debated who would leave Iraq faster. Well the democrats WERE debating that, their last debate they changed to whether or not they would have troops out before the end of their 1st term.
Had to tape it as I work during the day.
Paul made an odd statement that the US has never faced an attack in 240 years
And without missing a beat, Rudy asked him what 9/11 was... I would've wanted to know what the Burning of Washington D.C. was (1814) or perhaps Pearl Harbor...

You may have missed Pauls response, he said, "That wasn't by another country!" OK. Then what would you call the two I mentioned?

I also liked when Romney and Guiliani got into it over the line item veto. That was hilarious.

Ah well. I'm giving this debate to McCain.
I would've wanted to know what the Burning of Washington D.C. was (1814)

Didn't they occupy Nawlins as well? In any case, I don't know how you miss Pearl Harbor. I don't have cable TV, so I didn't watch the debate. Fox and PBS are the only ones which come in clear via broadcast, but I don't really miss the rest.
I was pretty let down by Fred's performance. I thought Fred was going to steal the nomination, but unless he does better quickly, he doesn't have a chance. Giuliani did well, and I think is clearly still the leader.
I think Ron Paul was referring to an imminent attack from another country.

I think that is what he meant also, but it is not what he said. Even if that is what he meant, it was wrong. Pearl Harbor and the War of 1812 come to mind.
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It's a disturbing tendency of Paul and his supporters that they choose to ignore the facts when the facts don't fit into their theories on life the universe and everything. Like the Bush supporters who claim that tax cuts are the answer to every question, reality just doesn't enter into it.