CMP Confusion on 1911's


New member
Like millions of others, why not throw the hat in the ring for a reasonably priced 1911 soon to be "lotto'd" by CMP.

I think they're going about it the right way, but there seems to be contradicting info.
Kalifornia has some craazy gun laws, but why would CMP discriminate by allowing 03's from there to be eligible for direct shipment, while NOT allowing the same for those in the other 49 states??

Note: 1911 type pistols purchased from CMP cannot be transferred to 03 FFL (curio and relic) license. BATF and the United States Army prefer the second background check be performed by an FFL dealer.


Q: Can you ship to California?
A: 1911s from CMP will be allowed into California because they meet the California definition of Curio and Relic. They will ship to 01, or 02, or 03 FFLs in California.
That is wrong. It is illegal to ship a handgun direct to an 03 FFL in the Glorious Peoples Democratic Republic of California.

The fact that it is a C&R makes it exempt from the California "Roster of Safe Handguns" rules, which is what allows them to be sold there at all. Otherwise, if a handgun is not on the roster, it can't be sold in CA except to a police officer.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"
I believe they can, with a C.O.E.
Perhaps CMP has decided the annual background check done by Kalifornia DOJ serves the same purpose as a NICS check by an FFL.

I suspect, given that they're essentially "modern" handguns despite their 50+ year old status, that CMP isn't willing to risk any bad "news" that might result from one ending up in the hands of anyone that could not pass a NICS check; O3 licenses are renewed every three years- and don't have the initial scrutiny that Licensees undergo- and I wonder whether 03 renewals get much if any scrutiny at all.